Sabtu, 23 April 2011
Improve Performance through Positive Thinking and Behavior
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Rediscovering Chapbooks
In the 1600's most cultured socialites considered chapbooks vulgar. These 'flimsy' booklets were often sold in less than reputable establishments and contained a variety of less than quality poetry, stories, ballads and political dissent. Often filled with spelling mistakes, factual blunders and little in the way of quality assurance these chapbooks often connected with the uncultured alone.
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The Secret To Business Success: Act On Your Ideas
The real secret of a success is simple: Do something about your ideas. Each of us has seen a new idea and said, "Why, I thought of that a year ago." We say it with scorn, but we should direct the scorn at ourselves, not at the person who had the drive to do something about it.
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Why Do We Hurt Those We Love Most And How To Stop This
You love each other but can't manage to communicate without arguing, fighting and ending up exhausted, each one in his corner, trying to lick his wounds and thinking of how to protect one self against a new attack. And in spite of that…you love each other? How is this possible? Why do people hurt most those they love?
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Publishing Options For Freelance Book Authors
it is difficult to break into the publishing industry as a new author, and even more difficult to get an acceptance letter from an editor at a large publishing house. As an author you will work hard to finish your book, and work even harder to find the right book publisher. The good news is you can tap into several types of publishers to publish your book. Here is a look at some common types of book publishing.
GROUP PUBLISHING: Group publishing is the process by which a large company publishes your work in the name of a larger company. For example, large publishing companies often operate smaller publishing companies. The larger publishing company serves as an umbrella over the smaller group publishing companies. Sometimes these companies operate several smaller companies and book imprints that produce different genres of writing and books. Sometimes this is referred to trade publishing. For example, a large publishing group may produce best-selling adult novels, but may also operate under a smaller name to produce certain non-fiction books, cookbooks, children's books, or niche titles. Group publishing is a popular way to publish a book.
EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING: Educational publishing shares some likeness to trade publishing. These companies deal specifically with educational material. They may deal with only college textbooks, or they might deal with textbooks and materials for grades K-12. Besides textbooks, these companies might also produce other forms of educational material, which include posters, workbooks, CD-ROMS, software, testing material and maps. There are several big name educational publishing companies.
UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING: Better known as the "University Press," this type of publishing is different from group publishing and it is not the same as scholarly publishing. These types of companies are usually non-profit. Universities, colleges and sometimes museums or other organizations operate these publishing imprints. These publishers usually publish books by scholars and other specialists. Besides distributing their books to bookstores, they also make their book titles available within the university system. Sometimes larger trade publishers publish these types of books
INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING: Independent publishers are often the best way to publish your book with established distribution channels. Independent publishers are generally small, privately-owned companies. Many times, these companies only publish a handful of books each year and they specialize in certain subjects. They have the freedom to publish just about anything they wish.
SOFTWARE and other MEDIA: You might consider software and other types of media as a publishing option. Think about the many e-books, CD-ROMs and digital downloads, many published by large and small publishing companies. These types of publishing companies are often associated with larger trade publishers. In fact, many large publishing companies have their own in-house media publisher to spawn the traditional paperback book into other types of media. Digital and alternate media is a huge, profitable business, and these publishers are just as important and lucrative as the large trade publishers.
As you can see, you can tap into various publishers who might consider publishing your book. If you are unlucky with a large trade publisher or group publisher, then don't give up. Keep looking at the different types of publishing companies until you find one that wants to work with you and your book.
GROUP PUBLISHING: Group publishing is the process by which a large company publishes your work in the name of a larger company. For example, large publishing companies often operate smaller publishing companies. The larger publishing company serves as an umbrella over the smaller group publishing companies. Sometimes these companies operate several smaller companies and book imprints that produce different genres of writing and books. Sometimes this is referred to trade publishing. For example, a large publishing group may produce best-selling adult novels, but may also operate under a smaller name to produce certain non-fiction books, cookbooks, children's books, or niche titles. Group publishing is a popular way to publish a book.
EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING: Educational publishing shares some likeness to trade publishing. These companies deal specifically with educational material. They may deal with only college textbooks, or they might deal with textbooks and materials for grades K-12. Besides textbooks, these companies might also produce other forms of educational material, which include posters, workbooks, CD-ROMS, software, testing material and maps. There are several big name educational publishing companies.
UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING: Better known as the "University Press," this type of publishing is different from group publishing and it is not the same as scholarly publishing. These types of companies are usually non-profit. Universities, colleges and sometimes museums or other organizations operate these publishing imprints. These publishers usually publish books by scholars and other specialists. Besides distributing their books to bookstores, they also make their book titles available within the university system. Sometimes larger trade publishers publish these types of books
INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING: Independent publishers are often the best way to publish your book with established distribution channels. Independent publishers are generally small, privately-owned companies. Many times, these companies only publish a handful of books each year and they specialize in certain subjects. They have the freedom to publish just about anything they wish.
SOFTWARE and other MEDIA: You might consider software and other types of media as a publishing option. Think about the many e-books, CD-ROMs and digital downloads, many published by large and small publishing companies. These types of publishing companies are often associated with larger trade publishers. In fact, many large publishing companies have their own in-house media publisher to spawn the traditional paperback book into other types of media. Digital and alternate media is a huge, profitable business, and these publishers are just as important and lucrative as the large trade publishers.
As you can see, you can tap into various publishers who might consider publishing your book. If you are unlucky with a large trade publisher or group publisher, then don't give up. Keep looking at the different types of publishing companies until you find one that wants to work with you and your book.
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Article Writing: Can It Help Grow My Forum?
Question: I've got a forum and it's a ghost town. How can I get people to my forum? – NobodyLovesMe
Dear Nobody Loves Me,
Building a forum into a happenin' place is a LOT of work. Don't be discouraged if your efforts aren't paying off yet. It does take time.
Dear Nobody Loves Me,
Building a forum into a happenin' place is a LOT of work. Don't be discouraged if your efforts aren't paying off yet. It does take time.
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article writing
Tips For Selecting The Right Public Relation Firm
Sometimes, a great product is not enough to get the attention your company deserves from the public. Sometimes, you need to make waves the right waves in order to get noticed and employing a public relation firm can help you gain your place in the limelight.
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Public Relations
Three Proven Ways to Handle Your Writing Anxiety
Writing anxiety and writing block are informal terms that are used to denote pessimistic and anxious feeling about writing. Researches showed that the majority of students exhibit unusually strong apprehension about writing. This debilitating condition forces students to avoid majors, jobs, and courses that require writing.
In fact, having some level of writing anxiety can help you concentrate, really your thoughts together, and devote all of them to writing. However, in excessive quantities it can become a hindrance; here is where the actual problem lies.
In fact, having some level of writing anxiety can help you concentrate, really your thoughts together, and devote all of them to writing. However, in excessive quantities it can become a hindrance; here is where the actual problem lies.
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article writing
Sabtu, 16 April 2011
Persistence is Key
Once, there was a dog named Manty. She was a typical house pet in a typical middle-income family. The family lived in a rather small house. So, home to Manty was the backyard, which was rather small too.
Manty's world revolved around the four corners of this small backyard, which was likewise used as the laundry area. Peculiar as it may seem, Manty had a favorite area in this backyard where it slept and stayed. This was the area under the sink, where most of the laundry work was being done.
Manty shared its favorite space with the laundry woman. The laundry woman stored all sorts of soapboxes, pails, basins and tools under the sink, which created obstructions for the poor dog. But still, Manty would be found crawling under its favorite area and making itself comfortable amidst these objects. At times, the laundry woman stored heavy objects in Manty's favorite spot that the poor dog had to struggle to move these objects aside just to be able to squeeze itself in. Manty could hardly move; but somehow, it still liked the spot very much.
All sorts of combinations have been done to discourage the dog from sleeping under the sink; but still, the dog always managed to squeeze itself in. When Manty found it difficult to fit itself into the spot, she would sit for a while looking at its favorite spot as if contemplating and thinking of a way to get itself into it. And in each of its attempts, it succeeded.
Aren't you amazed at such a display of persistence? To think that Manty is just a dog makes it more amazing!
If a dog has such level of persistence, why can't we humans have the same? If we meet obstacles, we easily wave the white flag of surrender. This shows our lack of persistence, determination, and tenacity in pursuing our goals.
It takes persistence to move forward to progress. If we stop somewhere along the road towards success in life, it is like starting from the top again. When we give up, we lose everything we worked hard for: time, effort, money, and most especially, the opportunity to succeed in life.
We will never know how close we are to success if we surrender somewhere in-between. It is a choice between success and failure. Surrendering is accepting failure. Persistence to continue, despite obstacles, is the way to success.
We can accept failures, why not? Our mindset must be programmed to perceive failures as temporary. Failure is a pre-requisite to success and it is only temporary. When we fail, it is time to assess and learn from our mistakes. Then, we must find another way and still move on until we reach the door of success, never wavering to whatever obstacles that may hinder us.
We should open our minds and expect instances when we will be confronted with obstacles that would result to making a decision whether to continue or not. We may be undecided which course of action to take next. The best way is to examine the options and alternatives available to us. From there, we can move forward and continue to our journey towards the achievement of our goals.
Success is never easy, and failure is part of success. The sad part is that most of us are deterred by the mere thought of failure, and this paralyzes us from taking the right course of action.
We see many people who easily give up and are satisfied with their own meager sense of accomplishment. They simply sit back and watch successful people enjoy life while they engage in self-pity, regretting that they have given up too soon.
The choice is ours to make.
Manty's world revolved around the four corners of this small backyard, which was likewise used as the laundry area. Peculiar as it may seem, Manty had a favorite area in this backyard where it slept and stayed. This was the area under the sink, where most of the laundry work was being done.
Manty shared its favorite space with the laundry woman. The laundry woman stored all sorts of soapboxes, pails, basins and tools under the sink, which created obstructions for the poor dog. But still, Manty would be found crawling under its favorite area and making itself comfortable amidst these objects. At times, the laundry woman stored heavy objects in Manty's favorite spot that the poor dog had to struggle to move these objects aside just to be able to squeeze itself in. Manty could hardly move; but somehow, it still liked the spot very much.
All sorts of combinations have been done to discourage the dog from sleeping under the sink; but still, the dog always managed to squeeze itself in. When Manty found it difficult to fit itself into the spot, she would sit for a while looking at its favorite spot as if contemplating and thinking of a way to get itself into it. And in each of its attempts, it succeeded.
Aren't you amazed at such a display of persistence? To think that Manty is just a dog makes it more amazing!
If a dog has such level of persistence, why can't we humans have the same? If we meet obstacles, we easily wave the white flag of surrender. This shows our lack of persistence, determination, and tenacity in pursuing our goals.
It takes persistence to move forward to progress. If we stop somewhere along the road towards success in life, it is like starting from the top again. When we give up, we lose everything we worked hard for: time, effort, money, and most especially, the opportunity to succeed in life.
We will never know how close we are to success if we surrender somewhere in-between. It is a choice between success and failure. Surrendering is accepting failure. Persistence to continue, despite obstacles, is the way to success.
We can accept failures, why not? Our mindset must be programmed to perceive failures as temporary. Failure is a pre-requisite to success and it is only temporary. When we fail, it is time to assess and learn from our mistakes. Then, we must find another way and still move on until we reach the door of success, never wavering to whatever obstacles that may hinder us.
We should open our minds and expect instances when we will be confronted with obstacles that would result to making a decision whether to continue or not. We may be undecided which course of action to take next. The best way is to examine the options and alternatives available to us. From there, we can move forward and continue to our journey towards the achievement of our goals.
Success is never easy, and failure is part of success. The sad part is that most of us are deterred by the mere thought of failure, and this paralyzes us from taking the right course of action.
We see many people who easily give up and are satisfied with their own meager sense of accomplishment. They simply sit back and watch successful people enjoy life while they engage in self-pity, regretting that they have given up too soon.
The choice is ours to make.
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Work Part-time-----Earn Full-time
t is not the amount of hours that you put into a working day as much as the amount of work you put into the hours.Far better to plan your day so that you can maximise your resources,instead of jumping from one task to another and end up doing nothing efficently.
You do not need a large sum of money to finance a business proposition.All you need is a good idea and the ability to put together a business plan that will convince investors that you can make money.When people are convinced that you can make money,you should have no problem getting people to invest in your proposition.
A rule you should abide by is not to keep on working for your money indefnitely.If you do this you become a slave to money.Far better to let money work for you.By investing your money in a business proposition where your returns are guaranteed ,you free yourself.
Take arbitrage investment in sports betting.An arbitrage is simply the purchase of securities from one market for immediate resale to another market in order to profit from the discrepancy
There are arbitrage opportunities in numerous markets.The one concentrated on here is the sports betting market worldwide.
With the correct software this market can be exploited,giving guaranteed profits.If you know what to look for in this type of situation you can exploit the situation to give you a guaranteed profit.Coupled to the software is a FREE booklet detailing in specific detail how to exploit this market.
If the instructions in the book are adhered to the user can look forward to a guaranteed profit.There are people operating at the moment making a full time living out of arbitrage investment..This book will show you everything you need to know ,to produce a very profitable and regular income from a loophole that has been brought about by the Internet and the masses of bookmakers that have sprung up and continue to do so. .This loophole can never be regulated or closed down and as the Internet grows the number of opportunities this loophole will make available will multiply
There are many reasons why bookmakers may offer wildly different odds on the same sporting event .For a start many bookmakers overstretch themselves when offering odds---they try and cover every possible market to get as many customers as possible. This is great news for us because in doing so they will sometimes offer odds on events that they have little or no expert knowledge in .For example a bookmaker in the USA may offer odds on English division football yet he knows very little about it.
Not much money is needed to get started in this business.As you progress and people begin to see that you are making a profit 100% of the time you are going to attract people to you,who are going to try and find out your secret of making money.
This is the time to start an investmrnt club ,in your own neighborhood first and let it get known.You should be making conservatively 200% monthly on the money invested with you.Give your investors a return of 10-15% monthly on their money and the rest is pure profit to you.You should by this time be operating a very profitable business on OPM (other peoples money)
You do not need a large sum of money to finance a business proposition.All you need is a good idea and the ability to put together a business plan that will convince investors that you can make money.When people are convinced that you can make money,you should have no problem getting people to invest in your proposition.
A rule you should abide by is not to keep on working for your money indefnitely.If you do this you become a slave to money.Far better to let money work for you.By investing your money in a business proposition where your returns are guaranteed ,you free yourself.
Take arbitrage investment in sports betting.An arbitrage is simply the purchase of securities from one market for immediate resale to another market in order to profit from the discrepancy
There are arbitrage opportunities in numerous markets.The one concentrated on here is the sports betting market worldwide.
With the correct software this market can be exploited,giving guaranteed profits.If you know what to look for in this type of situation you can exploit the situation to give you a guaranteed profit.Coupled to the software is a FREE booklet detailing in specific detail how to exploit this market.
If the instructions in the book are adhered to the user can look forward to a guaranteed profit.There are people operating at the moment making a full time living out of arbitrage investment..This book will show you everything you need to know ,to produce a very profitable and regular income from a loophole that has been brought about by the Internet and the masses of bookmakers that have sprung up and continue to do so. .This loophole can never be regulated or closed down and as the Internet grows the number of opportunities this loophole will make available will multiply
There are many reasons why bookmakers may offer wildly different odds on the same sporting event .For a start many bookmakers overstretch themselves when offering odds---they try and cover every possible market to get as many customers as possible. This is great news for us because in doing so they will sometimes offer odds on events that they have little or no expert knowledge in .For example a bookmaker in the USA may offer odds on English division football yet he knows very little about it.
Not much money is needed to get started in this business.As you progress and people begin to see that you are making a profit 100% of the time you are going to attract people to you,who are going to try and find out your secret of making money.
This is the time to start an investmrnt club ,in your own neighborhood first and let it get known.You should be making conservatively 200% monthly on the money invested with you.Give your investors a return of 10-15% monthly on their money and the rest is pure profit to you.You should by this time be operating a very profitable business on OPM (other peoples money)
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We Have to Talk: A Step-By-Step Checklist for Difficult Conversations
Think of a conversation you've been putting off. Got it? Great. Then let's go.
There are dozens of books on the topic of difficult, crucial, challenging, important (you get the idea) conversations (I list several at the end of this article). Those times when you know you should talk to someone, but you don't. Maybe you've tried and it went badly. Or maybe you fear that talking will only make the situation worse. Still, there's a feeling of being stuck, and you'd like to free up that stuck energy for more useful purposes.
What you have here is a brief synopsis of best practice strategies: a checklist of action items to think about before going into the conversation; some useful concepts to practice during the conversation; and some tips and suggestions to help your energy stay focused and flowing, including possible conversation openings.
You'll notice one key theme throughout: you have more power than you think.
Working on Yourself: How To Prepare for the Conversation
Before going into the conversation, ask yourself some questions:
1. What is your purpose for having the conversation? What do you hope to accomplish? What would be an ideal outcome?
Watch for hidden purposes. You may think you have honorable goals, like educating an employee or increasing connection with your teen, only to notice that your language is excessively critical or condescending. You think you want to support, but you end up punishing. Some purposes are more useful than others. Work on yourself so that you enter the conversation with a supportive purpose.
2. What assumptions are you making about this person's intentions? You may feel intimidated, belittled, ignored, disrespected, or marginalized, but be cautious about assuming that this was the speaker's intention. Impact does not necessarily equal intent.
3. What "buttons" of yours are being pushed? Are you more emotional than the situation warrants? Take a look at your "backstory," as they say in the movies. What personal history is being triggered? You may still have the conversation, but you'll go into it knowing that some of the heightened emotional state has to do with you.
4. How is your attitude toward the conversation influencing your perception of it If you think this is going to be horribly difficult, it probably will be. If you truly believe that whatever happens, some good will come of it, that will likely be the case. Try to adjust your attitude for maximum effectiveness.
5. Who is the opponent? What might he be thinking about this situation? Is he aware of the problem? If so, how do you think he perceives it? What are his needs and fears? What solution do you think he would suggest? Begin to reframe the opponent as partner.
6. What are your needs and fears? Are there any common concerns? Could there be?
7. How have you contributed to the problem? How has the other person?
4 Steps to a Successful Outcome
The majority of the work in any conflict conversation is work you do on yourself. No matter how well the conversation begins, you'll need to stay in charge of yourself, your purpose and your emotional energy. Breathe, center, and continue to notice when you become off center–and choose to return again. This is where your power lies. By choosing the calm, centered state, you'll help your opponent/partner to be more centered, too. Centering is not a step; centering is how you are as you take the steps. (For more on Centering, see the Resource section at the end of the article.)
Step #1: Inquiry
Cultivate an attitude of discovery and curiosity. Pretend you don't know anything (you really don't), and try to learn as much as possible about your opponent/partner and his point of view. Pretend you're entertaining a visitor from another planet, and find out how things look on that planet, how certain events affect the other person, and what the values and priorities are there.
If your partner really was from another planet, you'd be watching his body language and listening for unspoken energy as well. Do that here. What does he really want? What is he not saying?
Let your partner talk until he is finished. Don't interrupt except to acknowledge. Whatever you hear, don't take it personally. It's not really about you. Try to learn as much as you can in this phase of the conversation. You'll get your turn, but don't rush things.
Step #2: Acknowledgment
Acknowledgment means showing that you've heard and understood. Try to understand the other person so well you can make his argument for him. Then do it. Explain back to him what you think he's really going for. Guess at his hopes and honor his position. He will not change unless he sees that you see where he stands. Then he might. No guarantees.
Acknowledge whatever you can, including your own defensiveness if it comes up. It's fine; it just is. You can decide later how to address it. For example, in an argument with a friend, I said: "I notice I'm becoming defensive, and I think it's because your voice just got louder and sounded angry. I just want to talk about this topic. I'm not trying to persuade you in either direction." The acknowledgment helped him (and me) to re-center.
Acknowledgment can be difficult if we associate it with agreement. Keep them separate. My saying, "this sounds really important to you," doesn't mean I'm going to go along with your decision.
Step #3: Advocacy
When you sense your opponent/partner has expressed all his energy on the topic, it's your turn. What can you see from your perspective that he's missed? Help clarify your position without minimizing his. For example: "From what you've told me, I can see how you came to the conclusion that I'm not a team player. And I think I am. When I introduce problems with a project, I'm thinking about its long-term success. I don't mean to be a critic, though perhaps I sound like one. Maybe we can talk about how to address these issues so that my intention is clear."
Step #4: Problem-Solving
Now you're ready to begin building solutions. Brainstorming and continued inquiry are useful here. Ask your opponent/partner what he thinks might work. Whatever he says, find something you like and build on it. If the conversation becomes adversarial, go back to inquiry. Asking for the other's point of view usually creates safety and encourages him to engage. If you've been successful in centering, adjusting your attitude, and engaging with inquiry and useful purpose, building sustainable solutions will be easy.
Practice, Practice, Practice
The art of conversation is like any art–with continued practice you acquire skill and ease. Here are some additional hints:
Tips and Suggestions:
• A successful outcome will depend on two things: how you are and what you say. How you are (centered, supportive, curious, problem-solving) will greatly influence what you say.
• Acknowledge emotional energy–yours and your partner's–and direct it toward a useful purpose.
• Know and return to your purpose at difficult moments.
• Don't take verbal attacks personally. Help your opponent/partner come back to center.
• Don't assume your opponent/partner can see things from your point of view.
• Practice the conversation with a friend before holding the real one.
• Mentally practice the conversation. See various possibilities and visualize yourself handling them with ease. Envision the outcome you are hoping for.
How Do I Begin?
In my workshops, a common question is How do I begin the conversation? Here are a few conversation openers I've picked up over the years–and used many times!
• I have something I'd like to discuss with you that I think will help us work together more effectively.
• I'd like to talk about ____________ with you, but first I'd like to get your point of view.
• I need your help with what just happened. Do you have a few minutes to talk?
• I need your help with something. Can we talk about it (soon)? If the person says, "Sure, let me get back to you," follow up with him.
• I think we have different perceptions about _____________________. I'd like to hear your thinking on this.
• I'd like to talk about ___________________. I think we may have different ideas about how to _____________________.
• I'd like to see if we might reach a better understanding about ___________. I really want to hear your feelings about this and share my perspective as well.
Write a possible opening for your conversation here:
Good luck! Let me know if this article has been useful by contacting me at
The Magic of Conflict, by Thomas F. Crum (
Difficult Conversations, by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen (
Crucial Conversations, by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler (
FAQ about Conflict, by Judy Ringer
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Do You Think Motivational Thoughts?
What do motivational thoughts do? They help you take action. This isn't about positive thinking or motivating quotes. Those have their place in shaping your attitude and thinking. However, what motivates each of us is unique, so you need to have your own thoughts - those which are most effective at getting you going.
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity" - Albert Einstein
This is a decent quote, and it may help you look at the positive side of a situation, but what if it just doesn't get you excited? Then you need to apply a little brainpower to make the idea your own. You have to make it a truly motivational thought for YOU.
Motivational Thoughts Of Your Own
"Making it your own" means experimenting with a good thought until you find a way to use it in your own recipe for motivation. Suppose, for example, you're in a difficult situation and don't feel like dealing with it. As you sit there, you play around with the idea of opportunity coming from difficulty. Fortunately, you discover that it pulls you out of your slump to think about yourself in the future, explaining to a friend how you turned the difficult situation to your advantage.
This is how you create your own motivational thoughts. Now, it might be more motivating if you imagine yourself being interviewed someday about how you overcame this difficult time. The thoughts that work for you are the thoughts you need to be thinking.
Learn Your Motivations
Experiment and get to know how your mind works. I find that beyond just thinking a thought, if I explain it to someone, I get excited. That is my own self-motivation recipe. When I feel unmotivated about writing, for example, all I explain an idea I have for some article to my wife. By the time I am done, I'm very motivated to work.
You can get creative in your motivational experiments. Maybe thinking about being poor makes you get up and get to work. If so, that is a great motivational thought. If visual thoughts are more motivating than mental conversations, then use those. See pictures in your head that get you going. Perhaps when people say you can't do something, you do whatever it takes to prove them wrong. Then it might be motivational to think about them saying you can't.
When there is a truly uninspiring task you have to do, try promising yourself a reward for completion - make it one that really means something to you. Keep that thought in your mind to keep yourself motivated. A trip to the beach and even a simple bowl of ice cream may be some of your more powerful motivational thoughts.
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity" - Albert Einstein
This is a decent quote, and it may help you look at the positive side of a situation, but what if it just doesn't get you excited? Then you need to apply a little brainpower to make the idea your own. You have to make it a truly motivational thought for YOU.
Motivational Thoughts Of Your Own
"Making it your own" means experimenting with a good thought until you find a way to use it in your own recipe for motivation. Suppose, for example, you're in a difficult situation and don't feel like dealing with it. As you sit there, you play around with the idea of opportunity coming from difficulty. Fortunately, you discover that it pulls you out of your slump to think about yourself in the future, explaining to a friend how you turned the difficult situation to your advantage.
This is how you create your own motivational thoughts. Now, it might be more motivating if you imagine yourself being interviewed someday about how you overcame this difficult time. The thoughts that work for you are the thoughts you need to be thinking.
Learn Your Motivations
Experiment and get to know how your mind works. I find that beyond just thinking a thought, if I explain it to someone, I get excited. That is my own self-motivation recipe. When I feel unmotivated about writing, for example, all I explain an idea I have for some article to my wife. By the time I am done, I'm very motivated to work.
You can get creative in your motivational experiments. Maybe thinking about being poor makes you get up and get to work. If so, that is a great motivational thought. If visual thoughts are more motivating than mental conversations, then use those. See pictures in your head that get you going. Perhaps when people say you can't do something, you do whatever it takes to prove them wrong. Then it might be motivational to think about them saying you can't.
When there is a truly uninspiring task you have to do, try promising yourself a reward for completion - make it one that really means something to you. Keep that thought in your mind to keep yourself motivated. A trip to the beach and even a simple bowl of ice cream may be some of your more powerful motivational thoughts.
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In our competitive world today, leadership skills are crucial to any successful business. What is leadership? Leadership is commonly used to refer to activities such as conducting, guiding, or directing people; initiating activity. However, leadership is also used to refer to someone who is a leader. How can leadership be applied in so many ways and what constitutes a leader in all of these situations? The answer is contained in the realization that perhaps the most fundamental characteristic of leadership, and therefore of leaders, is personal leadership.
Some individuals are born leaders while others have to procure the skill and talent to successfully make their mark as a leader. It is obvious that some individuals have the confidence and the charisma to make themselves role models for others to follow. These individuals do not require much guidance in nurturing their inherent talent.
But there are scores of others for whom developing leadership qualities is key to their success. Leadership skill training is of immense significance in the present day corporate world. Leadership skill training is imparted to concerned individuals to help them derive the maximum benefit as far as acquiring leadership skill is concerned.
At times it is not very easy for new leaders to change their role from a contributor to a leader. Leadership skill training empowers an individual to have faith in others and also assists him in utilizing his time fruitfully with others by grooming people with the aid of guidance, help, and training.
These skills may be tough to acquire, so the switchover to the status of leadership can be very demanding and at times unthinkable in the absence of effective guidance and help.
What is personal leadership? It is the ability to lead others and yourself in the direction you want your life to take. The ability to define what you want out of life and how you are going to get there is the first step in developing leadership. It is only the beginning because personal leadership means “leading”, “directing”, and “taking action”. It means living each day to the fullest. It means developing goals that you want so badly that you live each day with enthusiastic ardor for your goals, yourself, and all who are close to you. Knowing what you want out of life; knowing what success is to you; knowing what your goals are; knowing that you are going to achieve those goals regardless of what other people think, say, or do, is the essence of personal leadership.
Personal leadership also means “accountability”. It means that you have decided to use the talents that are unique to you and will develop them further to reach your goals. It means that you realize that you have the potential to develop further. It means that you have determined the course of your destiny—you are the master of your life.
Leadership training also helps leaders who have the inherent talent in them to advance their ability and sense of judgment to transform themselves into leaders of great repute.
Some individuals are born leaders while others have to procure the skill and talent to successfully make their mark as a leader. It is obvious that some individuals have the confidence and the charisma to make themselves role models for others to follow. These individuals do not require much guidance in nurturing their inherent talent.
But there are scores of others for whom developing leadership qualities is key to their success. Leadership skill training is of immense significance in the present day corporate world. Leadership skill training is imparted to concerned individuals to help them derive the maximum benefit as far as acquiring leadership skill is concerned.
At times it is not very easy for new leaders to change their role from a contributor to a leader. Leadership skill training empowers an individual to have faith in others and also assists him in utilizing his time fruitfully with others by grooming people with the aid of guidance, help, and training.
These skills may be tough to acquire, so the switchover to the status of leadership can be very demanding and at times unthinkable in the absence of effective guidance and help.
What is personal leadership? It is the ability to lead others and yourself in the direction you want your life to take. The ability to define what you want out of life and how you are going to get there is the first step in developing leadership. It is only the beginning because personal leadership means “leading”, “directing”, and “taking action”. It means living each day to the fullest. It means developing goals that you want so badly that you live each day with enthusiastic ardor for your goals, yourself, and all who are close to you. Knowing what you want out of life; knowing what success is to you; knowing what your goals are; knowing that you are going to achieve those goals regardless of what other people think, say, or do, is the essence of personal leadership.
Personal leadership also means “accountability”. It means that you have decided to use the talents that are unique to you and will develop them further to reach your goals. It means that you realize that you have the potential to develop further. It means that you have determined the course of your destiny—you are the master of your life.
Leadership training also helps leaders who have the inherent talent in them to advance their ability and sense of judgment to transform themselves into leaders of great repute.
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Living with Joy
Living with joy can sometimes be a challenge. When things appear to be going against our will, we tend to experience this as pain, suffering, or that we're having a bad day. Recognizing that we are in control of our feelings, and that we have the choice to live in joy, or in fear is the first step to creating a life full of joy and positivity.
One principle that we all need to acquire is the ability to see all situations, people, and events from a positive perspective. Instead of viewing bad things in life as a prompt to get upset and angry, try to view the "bad things" as lessons that are helping you grow, helping you to become as whole of an individual as possible. Too many times, we think that the outer world, the physical reality is creating our day, causing us to be sad or unhappy; however it is the opposite that is true. We create our day, we create the circumstances for joyous living.
The most important lesson is that "beingness" precedes experience. In order to be happy, we first need to "be happy" inside, and this internal happiness radiates outward through every cell of our bodies and creates the outer experience of a smile, or a laugh, or an intimate connection between two people. It is in this "beingness" that we have the ability to see and to choose our feelings, desires, goals, and dreams, which then enables us to manifest an outer reality based on our true selves.
We create the reality in which we experience joy, anger, love, and fear. Because we have the ability, the free will, to choose our reality, we can make that conscious choice to try to just be happier, more grateful, and more sensitive. This happiness though will never come if you are looking outside of yourself first. Because, what we just learned is that in order to be happy we have to have the internal feeling of happiness to then create that happiness in our daily lives. Remember that your beliefs about reality create your experience of it.
So, start changing your negatives into positives, gain clarity, and open your heart by looking inside yourself. When we start changing ourselves from inside out, the universe will respond to us in ways in which we could never imagine. The ability to start manifesting your goals and dreams is already inside of you. Take the leap to start living in joy today.
One principle that we all need to acquire is the ability to see all situations, people, and events from a positive perspective. Instead of viewing bad things in life as a prompt to get upset and angry, try to view the "bad things" as lessons that are helping you grow, helping you to become as whole of an individual as possible. Too many times, we think that the outer world, the physical reality is creating our day, causing us to be sad or unhappy; however it is the opposite that is true. We create our day, we create the circumstances for joyous living.
The most important lesson is that "beingness" precedes experience. In order to be happy, we first need to "be happy" inside, and this internal happiness radiates outward through every cell of our bodies and creates the outer experience of a smile, or a laugh, or an intimate connection between two people. It is in this "beingness" that we have the ability to see and to choose our feelings, desires, goals, and dreams, which then enables us to manifest an outer reality based on our true selves.
We create the reality in which we experience joy, anger, love, and fear. Because we have the ability, the free will, to choose our reality, we can make that conscious choice to try to just be happier, more grateful, and more sensitive. This happiness though will never come if you are looking outside of yourself first. Because, what we just learned is that in order to be happy we have to have the internal feeling of happiness to then create that happiness in our daily lives. Remember that your beliefs about reality create your experience of it.
So, start changing your negatives into positives, gain clarity, and open your heart by looking inside yourself. When we start changing ourselves from inside out, the universe will respond to us in ways in which we could never imagine. The ability to start manifesting your goals and dreams is already inside of you. Take the leap to start living in joy today.
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Benefits Of Creating User Documents In-House
For small companies, creating their product's User Documentation in-house, provides benefits to the company, to (idle) staff, and to the product. This article describes the benefits and some downsides of producing User Documents in-house.
If you have no in-house writing staff you have three options:
1. No User Document for the product. This is NOT a valid option. Every product needs User Documentation. It completes your product package, and enhances the User's experience with your product. Here are two examples of non-existent User Documentation:
* Tomatoes. Most people don't know that before use, tomatoes should not be refrigerated. Refrigerating tomatoes before use will reduce their flavor and nutrition value.
* A Manual Can Opener. This can opener clamps on the can, thus the user does not have to squeeze the handles while operating the can opener. It came with no User Documentation, as "everyone could probably figure out how to use it." This is wrong. After a few uses, the blades become slightly dulled, and the handles are very difficult to clamp and lock.
The simple tip of turning the knob while squeezing the handles makes the can opener easy to use. That tip could form the basis of a User Manual for the product. The manual should include instructions for care of the can opener. The absurd situation is that this clamp feature was the unique aspect of the product; but the feature becomes unusable because of no User Document.
How have you felt about products that came without User Documentation? Were you confused about the product and getting the most from it? User Documentation adds to the value of the product. Let's look at how we can get it created.
2. Use an outside writing service or consultant. Technical writers may be an excellent choice to create your User Documentation. However, there may be downsides to using them.
* When documentation changes have to be made, the company has to re-hire the writer. If the writer were unavailable, then you have to wait or search for a new writer. When the new writer gets hired, a new orientation to the company and the project would have to start. Delays, delays, delays.
* An even more horrible thought is that the outside writer used some fancy piece of software to create the User Document, and you do not own that software. Thus you could not make any changes until you bought and learned that software, or hired an outside writer who uses the same software. (Most technical writers are enamored with a particular piece of esoteric writing software.)
Using the outside writer will force you to batch your documentation changes, making the literature out of date. (How many times have you seen product documentation that does not match the product? This happens because the company was waiting for the next major upgrade to update the User Documentation.)
3. Using idle employees in your company to create the User Documentation. The remainder of this article will focus on this option.
In most organizations, there is some staff down-time. By assigning these staff to create User Documents you benefit from effective use of this down-time, and the employees benefit from experience in a new field.
These staffing benefits include:
* Use staff who may be idle between projects
* Your staff know the company's culture and their fellow staff
* Your staff use existing company-wide writing tools (your word processor)
* No time needed to get oriented with the physical aspects of the job
* You have created a new resource within company
If you have in-house writers (even if they are not formally trained as "technical writers") you can just say "Sue, could you or Tom update the document where the sign-in window is presented." Much faster and more flexible then having to go to an outside source. Sue and Tom have ownership of the document, and would work to improve it. They would use software resources available in your organization.
The benefits of in-house writers to your User Documents include:
* You can make corrections as you find the errors.
* You are able to update your User Document when you update your product.
* Better control of timing and resources
* No fear in dealing with the User Document in electronic form. From your word processor or add-ins, you can publish your User Document as a portable data format (.pdf) file, or as HTML for display on the Internet.
The primary downsides of in-house User Document creation are the attitude and emotions of your newly-appointed writer. These include:
* Fear ("I don't know how to write")
* Anger ("Why me? This is unfair")
* Uncertainty ("I don't know what to write")
* Isolation ("I've been cast into this writing thing")
You can reduce these negative emotions if you encourage and support your New Writer.
It is unfair to assign a non-writer to create a User Document without supporting him/her. You have to support your writer with:
* Training;
* Access to the development and marketing teams for product information;
* Use of the development team to evaluate their writing (small chunks);
* Access to the product, industry literature, and marketing materials;
* Style manual;
* Editor -- your writing expert;
* Time to do a good job.
Other articles in this series (see the links in the "Resources" or "About the Author" section of this article) present more information about supporting your New Writer.
For small companies, creating their product's User Documentation in-house, provides benefits to the company, to (idle) staff, and to the product. This article describes the benefits and some downsides of producing User Documents in-house.
If you have no in-house writing staff you have three options:
1. No User Document for the product. This is NOT a valid option. Every product needs User Documentation. It completes your product package, and enhances the User's experience with your product. Here are two examples of non-existent User Documentation:
* Tomatoes. Most people don't know that before use, tomatoes should not be refrigerated. Refrigerating tomatoes before use will reduce their flavor and nutrition value.
* A Manual Can Opener. This can opener clamps on the can, thus the user does not have to squeeze the handles while operating the can opener. It came with no User Documentation, as "everyone could probably figure out how to use it." This is wrong. After a few uses, the blades become slightly dulled, and the handles are very difficult to clamp and lock.
The simple tip of turning the knob while squeezing the handles makes the can opener easy to use. That tip could form the basis of a User Manual for the product. The manual should include instructions for care of the can opener. The absurd situation is that this clamp feature was the unique aspect of the product; but the feature becomes unusable because of no User Document.
How have you felt about products that came without User Documentation? Were you confused about the product and getting the most from it? User Documentation adds to the value of the product. Let's look at how we can get it created.
2. Use an outside writing service or consultant. Technical writers may be an excellent choice to create your User Documentation. However, there may be downsides to using them.
* When documentation changes have to be made, the company has to re-hire the writer. If the writer were unavailable, then you have to wait or search for a new writer. When the new writer gets hired, a new orientation to the company and the project would have to start. Delays, delays, delays.
* An even more horrible thought is that the outside writer used some fancy piece of software to create the User Document, and you do not own that software. Thus you could not make any changes until you bought and learned that software, or hired an outside writer who uses the same software. (Most technical writers are enamored with a particular piece of esoteric writing software.)
Using the outside writer will force you to batch your documentation changes, making the literature out of date. (How many times have you seen product documentation that does not match the product? This happens because the company was waiting for the next major upgrade to update the User Documentation.)
3. Using idle employees in your company to create the User Documentation. The remainder of this article will focus on this option.
In most organizations, there is some staff down-time. By assigning these staff to create User Documents you benefit from effective use of this down-time, and the employees benefit from experience in a new field.
These staffing benefits include:
* Use staff who may be idle between projects
* Your staff know the company's culture and their fellow staff
* Your staff use existing company-wide writing tools (your word processor)
* No time needed to get oriented with the physical aspects of the job
* You have created a new resource within company
If you have in-house writers (even if they are not formally trained as "technical writers") you can just say "Sue, could you or Tom update the document where the sign-in window is presented." Much faster and more flexible then having to go to an outside source. Sue and Tom have ownership of the document, and would work to improve it. They would use software resources available in your organization.
The benefits of in-house writers to your User Documents include:
* You can make corrections as you find the errors.
* You are able to update your User Document when you update your product.
* Better control of timing and resources
* No fear in dealing with the User Document in electronic form. From your word processor or add-ins, you can publish your User Document as a portable data format (.pdf) file, or as HTML for display on the Internet.
The primary downsides of in-house User Document creation are the attitude and emotions of your newly-appointed writer. These include:
* Fear ("I don't know how to write")
* Anger ("Why me? This is unfair")
* Uncertainty ("I don't know what to write")
* Isolation ("I've been cast into this writing thing")
You can reduce these negative emotions if you encourage and support your New Writer.
It is unfair to assign a non-writer to create a User Document without supporting him/her. You have to support your writer with:
* Training;
* Access to the development and marketing teams for product information;
* Use of the development team to evaluate their writing (small chunks);
* Access to the product, industry literature, and marketing materials;
* Style manual;
* Editor -- your writing expert;
* Time to do a good job.
Other articles in this series (see the links in the "Resources" or "About the Author" section of this article) present more information about supporting your New Writer.
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The Observation Cycle-You Get More of What You Are Observing
Many people often ask, "Why do I keep getting more of this (as they refer to something unwanted)?" The answer is always the same - you get what you vibrate! In other words, whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to, you'll get more of it.
I hear people say, "But I'm not giving attention, energy or focus to this and I keep attracting more of it." Or, "I know what I want, but keep attracting this (pointing to what they don't want)."
There are a few things to check out if you are curious about why you keep attracting things that you don't want - remember the answer is always the same - you get what you vibrate. So, the challenge is to find out what you are doing to create this attention, energy or focus to this issue. Here is a quick check-off list to help you determine what you might be doing to attract more of what you don't want.
(1) Are you saying what you don't want by using 'Don't', 'Not' and 'No'?
(2) Are you complaining or worrying about what you don't want?
(3) Are you observing what you don't want?
In your observation of what you don't want, in that moment, you are giving it attention, energy and focus, thus attracting more of it. Just by observing it, you are offering a matching vibration to it. And Law of Attraction which is obedient in every moment, will unfold more of that vibrational match into your life
When you open you wallet and see how much money you DO or DON'T have, then you offer the same vibration. When you open your client or customer file cabinet, you observe how many clients you DO or DON'T have, and again, in your observation you offer the same vibration, thus the observation cycle continues.
It's easy and quick to change your focus from what you DON'T want to what you do want. Each time you notice you are giving attention to what you don't want ask yourself, "So, what do I want?" Create one clear statement about what it is that you do want and spend a few moments focusing on THAT thought. You can only hold one vibration at a time and this easy exercise ensures that you are now focused on what you do want.
Remember, observing what you don't want will cause you to offer the same vibration to it and you will attract more of the same.
Observing what you DO want creates a matching vibration within you to your desire so that Law of Attraction can bring you more of the same.
I hear people say, "But I'm not giving attention, energy or focus to this and I keep attracting more of it." Or, "I know what I want, but keep attracting this (pointing to what they don't want)."
There are a few things to check out if you are curious about why you keep attracting things that you don't want - remember the answer is always the same - you get what you vibrate. So, the challenge is to find out what you are doing to create this attention, energy or focus to this issue. Here is a quick check-off list to help you determine what you might be doing to attract more of what you don't want.
(1) Are you saying what you don't want by using 'Don't', 'Not' and 'No'?
(2) Are you complaining or worrying about what you don't want?
(3) Are you observing what you don't want?
In your observation of what you don't want, in that moment, you are giving it attention, energy and focus, thus attracting more of it. Just by observing it, you are offering a matching vibration to it. And Law of Attraction which is obedient in every moment, will unfold more of that vibrational match into your life
When you open you wallet and see how much money you DO or DON'T have, then you offer the same vibration. When you open your client or customer file cabinet, you observe how many clients you DO or DON'T have, and again, in your observation you offer the same vibration, thus the observation cycle continues.
It's easy and quick to change your focus from what you DON'T want to what you do want. Each time you notice you are giving attention to what you don't want ask yourself, "So, what do I want?" Create one clear statement about what it is that you do want and spend a few moments focusing on THAT thought. You can only hold one vibration at a time and this easy exercise ensures that you are now focused on what you do want.
Remember, observing what you don't want will cause you to offer the same vibration to it and you will attract more of the same.
Observing what you DO want creates a matching vibration within you to your desire so that Law of Attraction can bring you more of the same.
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Kamis, 14 April 2011
A Vital Leadership Question: "What Does Our Organization REALLY Reward?"
PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: mail to:
Word count: 900
Boost Your Leadership Skills Simply By Answering The Question, "What Does Our Organization Really Reward?"
By Brent Filson
The difference between leaders is ears. Good leaders not only ask good questions, but they actually listen to the answers.
Ask people in your organization: "What does our organization REALLY reward?" Listening to the answer may help you achieve marked increased in results.
Rewards and punishments make up the drive shaft of any organization. But my experience of working with thousands of leaders during the past 23 years reveals that most of their organizations reward the wrong things.
Such organizations may pay lip service to rewarding people for what is viewed as the right things: getting results, getting the right results, getting the right results in the right ways. But what they may really reward, often in terms of promotions and job perks, are such things as the care and feeding of top leaders' egos, political conniving, tyrannical leadership ....
Here is a way to transform wrong rewards into right results.
(1) Ask people in your organization what your organization REALLY rewards. The answers may surprise you. But don't get caught up in those answers. Don't make value judgments. At this stage, you are just an observer. Simply compile the list.
(2) Gauge each item on the list against results your organization really needs. Does it help get results? Does it detract from results?
Do it this way: Pick out a single item from your list. Describe the problem in the item and identify who controls its solution. Execute a "stop-start-continue" process. What reward do you stop, what do you start, and what do you continue?
You'll get results, but don't expect overnight success. Not only are many of these wrong rewards ingrained habits but changing them seldom achieves quick results. Still, keep asking, What does my organization really reward? In the long run, when tackling the challenges that comes with listening to the answers, you'll be getting more results as well as sharpening your leadership skills.
(3) Ask, "What does your leadership really reward?" When your leadership rewards the wrong things, you're getting a fraction of the results you're capable of. However, since we see the faults of others more clearly than our own, it may be more difficult identifying and dealing with your own issues rather than your organization's.
Do a 360 degree assessment. Select a single item from the list and apply the start-stop-continue process. Don't simply eliminate the item. Such items can be grist for the results mill. Identify the problem in the item then have the solution be a tool that gets results.
Guaranteed you will get results. After all, you are eliminating a negative aspect of your leadership and replacing it with a results-producing one. When you make this a long term endeavor - going from item to item - results will come to you in new and often unexpected ways.
(4) Encourage the people you lead to question the rewards aspects of their own leadership. Be aware of their reactions to your encouragement. Do they see the questioning as meaningful to their jobs? Do they want their colleagues involved in such questioning? Do they want to have senior management question their own leadership?
If people want the questioning to be a regular part of their daily work, continue it. If they feel it has little value, call a time out. After all, if people believe they are powerless to change things in the organization, seismic questions like this will only frustrate and anger them, creating a hot house environment for cynicism to flower.
As you go forward:
--Cultivate among the people a common, self-reinforcing fervor for the questioning. Don't force things. Be an observer and a supporter. Observe their reactions to the questioning and support their efforts to make it succeed.
--Encourage the development of networks of people taking the initiative to engage in the questioning together.
--Now and then, and especially in the beginning, set aside special times and places to have them focus exclusively on such questioning, making sure they continually link the answers to getting increases in results.
--Keep that linkage alive. This is not an academic exercise. It's not meant to simply have people feel good or, on the other hand, vent their frustrations. It's sole objective is to get MEASURABLE INCREASES IN RESULTS. If results are not forthcoming, have people refocus on the need for the questioning; and if you still are not receiving results, curtail or even eliminate it for awhile. You can always reactivate it when the time and the environment are more conducive to having it succeed.
--Avoid having the process deteriorate into name calling and finger pointing. The idea is not to use the questioning to get the goods on people or as a platform for emotional outbursts against the organization but instead for what it is meant to be, a powerful tool to get more results continually.
Mind you, people shouldn't be spending inordinate amounts of time on the questioning. Nor should it be seen as a major, discrete effort, like an operations or marketing program. Just the opposite: It should be a natural part of everybody's leadership activities. Constantly asking, Are we rewarding the right things? should eventually come as second nature.
2006 © The Filson Leadership Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
The author of 23 books, Brent Filson's recent books are, THE LEADERSHIP TALK: THE GREATEST LEADERSHIP TOOL and 101 WAYS TO GIVE GREAT LEADERSHIP TALKS. He is founder and president of The Filson Leadership Group, Inc. – and for more than 20 years has been helping leaders of top companies worldwide get audacious results. Sign up for his free leadership e-zine and get a free white paper: "49 Ways To Turn Action Into Results," at
Word count: 900
Boost Your Leadership Skills Simply By Answering The Question, "What Does Our Organization Really Reward?"
By Brent Filson
The difference between leaders is ears. Good leaders not only ask good questions, but they actually listen to the answers.
Ask people in your organization: "What does our organization REALLY reward?" Listening to the answer may help you achieve marked increased in results.
Rewards and punishments make up the drive shaft of any organization. But my experience of working with thousands of leaders during the past 23 years reveals that most of their organizations reward the wrong things.
Such organizations may pay lip service to rewarding people for what is viewed as the right things: getting results, getting the right results, getting the right results in the right ways. But what they may really reward, often in terms of promotions and job perks, are such things as the care and feeding of top leaders' egos, political conniving, tyrannical leadership ....
Here is a way to transform wrong rewards into right results.
(1) Ask people in your organization what your organization REALLY rewards. The answers may surprise you. But don't get caught up in those answers. Don't make value judgments. At this stage, you are just an observer. Simply compile the list.
(2) Gauge each item on the list against results your organization really needs. Does it help get results? Does it detract from results?
Do it this way: Pick out a single item from your list. Describe the problem in the item and identify who controls its solution. Execute a "stop-start-continue" process. What reward do you stop, what do you start, and what do you continue?
You'll get results, but don't expect overnight success. Not only are many of these wrong rewards ingrained habits but changing them seldom achieves quick results. Still, keep asking, What does my organization really reward? In the long run, when tackling the challenges that comes with listening to the answers, you'll be getting more results as well as sharpening your leadership skills.
(3) Ask, "What does your leadership really reward?" When your leadership rewards the wrong things, you're getting a fraction of the results you're capable of. However, since we see the faults of others more clearly than our own, it may be more difficult identifying and dealing with your own issues rather than your organization's.
Do a 360 degree assessment. Select a single item from the list and apply the start-stop-continue process. Don't simply eliminate the item. Such items can be grist for the results mill. Identify the problem in the item then have the solution be a tool that gets results.
Guaranteed you will get results. After all, you are eliminating a negative aspect of your leadership and replacing it with a results-producing one. When you make this a long term endeavor - going from item to item - results will come to you in new and often unexpected ways.
(4) Encourage the people you lead to question the rewards aspects of their own leadership. Be aware of their reactions to your encouragement. Do they see the questioning as meaningful to their jobs? Do they want their colleagues involved in such questioning? Do they want to have senior management question their own leadership?
If people want the questioning to be a regular part of their daily work, continue it. If they feel it has little value, call a time out. After all, if people believe they are powerless to change things in the organization, seismic questions like this will only frustrate and anger them, creating a hot house environment for cynicism to flower.
As you go forward:
--Cultivate among the people a common, self-reinforcing fervor for the questioning. Don't force things. Be an observer and a supporter. Observe their reactions to the questioning and support their efforts to make it succeed.
--Encourage the development of networks of people taking the initiative to engage in the questioning together.
--Now and then, and especially in the beginning, set aside special times and places to have them focus exclusively on such questioning, making sure they continually link the answers to getting increases in results.
--Keep that linkage alive. This is not an academic exercise. It's not meant to simply have people feel good or, on the other hand, vent their frustrations. It's sole objective is to get MEASURABLE INCREASES IN RESULTS. If results are not forthcoming, have people refocus on the need for the questioning; and if you still are not receiving results, curtail or even eliminate it for awhile. You can always reactivate it when the time and the environment are more conducive to having it succeed.
--Avoid having the process deteriorate into name calling and finger pointing. The idea is not to use the questioning to get the goods on people or as a platform for emotional outbursts against the organization but instead for what it is meant to be, a powerful tool to get more results continually.
Mind you, people shouldn't be spending inordinate amounts of time on the questioning. Nor should it be seen as a major, discrete effort, like an operations or marketing program. Just the opposite: It should be a natural part of everybody's leadership activities. Constantly asking, Are we rewarding the right things? should eventually come as second nature.
2006 © The Filson Leadership Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
The author of 23 books, Brent Filson's recent books are, THE LEADERSHIP TALK: THE GREATEST LEADERSHIP TOOL and 101 WAYS TO GIVE GREAT LEADERSHIP TALKS. He is founder and president of The Filson Leadership Group, Inc. – and for more than 20 years has been helping leaders of top companies worldwide get audacious results. Sign up for his free leadership e-zine and get a free white paper: "49 Ways To Turn Action Into Results," at
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Book Shepherds: Who are they? What do they do? Should you hire one?
As anyone who's courageously ventured into the arena of self-publishing knows-or soon will-there's much more involved in the process than simply sending your manuscript off to a printer, dropping off review copies at a handful of bookstores, and kicking back and waiting for the revenues to roll in.
To the uninitiated author journeying alone, the critical decisions that need to be made along the way can be overwhelming, frustrating, and even downright daunting.
Fortunately, a new breed of publication consultants has grown up right alongside the flourishing self-publishing population to serve as guidance counselors through each phase of the complicated process. Though self-publishing is largely considered a DIY endeavor-hence the designation self-publishing-there may be many advantages to using a professional book shepherd (as book consultants have been dubbed by self-publishing guru Dan Poynter) that makes hiring one well worthy of consideration.
But, just what exactly is a book shepherd? In practice, many of the professional services book shepherds provide include either direct assistance with or advice on cover and interior book design, manuscript editing, printer brokering, forms filing, production, distribution, marketing, and publicity. Some shepherds work within fully staffed one-stop firms that will ferry your book through production and beyond; others work autonomously and will often refer you to experts in the areas they don't handle.
The Benefits of Hiring a Book Shepherd
Collaborating with a good book shepherd can increase your chances for publishing success-in more ways than you might think. "There's a bit of a misconception about what a book shepherd does," says Ellen Reid of Smarketing-Infinite Possibilities, "that it's all about book production. That's a component of what we do, but it's not the entire reason to hire a book shepherd."
Reid likens her consulting approach to playing the role of a creative director at an ad agency or the producer of a film, and she revels in the creative aspect of her job. First, she assembles a creative team of resources for each of her clients-a copywriter, an editor, and a cover and interior designer-then she oversees every aspect of design, production, and distribution.
Book shepherds can save authors time and keep them from making the major mistakes that self-publishing rookies are apt to make. "Self-publishing is not a simple business," says Simon Warwick-Smith, president of Warwick Associates and former senior VP of marketing for a large U.S. book distributor, "and people can either spend a few years learning about it, or they can go to someone who's been there who can tell them what to do."
Cynthia Frank, book consultant and president of Cypress House, who has 20 years' experience in the business, shares Warwick-Smith's philosophy and uses a similar approach. Frank asks her clients to describe their definition of publishing success so that she can help them reach that level-whether it's achieving a good sales ranking on or using their first book as a stepping stone to a traditional publishing contract. Next she asks her authors to perform a self-assessment, honestly representing their weaknesses and strengths regarding aspects of the business, so she can formulate a comprehensive plan that will align their definition of success with the concrete steps to making it happen.
"If my client is not good at marketing, for example, and all of his capital is tied up in inventory," says Frank, "then there's no money left over for marketing, and he's heading for trouble. I help my clients see where they're coming up short in the planning stages."
Book shepherds also help their clients get up to speed quickly on the ins and outs of self-publishing. "There's so much jargon in our industry, and if somebody is just starting out, their eyes will be spinning in their head," says Frank. "We explain the different registrations and distribution methods and help them decide whether their books should be sold in bookstores, specialty shops, or gift and stationery stores, for example."
Planning ahead, experts agree, is of the utmost importance. Self-publishing is, in effect, a small business, and it deserves to be treated as such right from the start. Most shepherds strongly advise authors to prepare a formal business plan for a self-publishing venture before they even begin writing the manuscript. "Oftentimes we see people go into self-publishing with no more forethought than they would use to order a meal at a fancy restaurant," says Frank.
Sometimes, too, a book shepherd has connections and proven strategies that can benefit the aspiring author. "I've developed relationships with national distributors," says book shepherd Gail Kearns of To Press and Beyond, "and if the product is great and the price is right, I can usually get the books into the hands of distributors. We also have some creative ideas for marketing that don't cost a lot of money."
In essence, a good book shepherd can save an author time, money, headaches, and-one hopes-disappointment.
How to Get the Most from a Book Shepherding Session
But don't plan on using a book shepherd to hold your hand every step of the way-unless of course, your pocketbook is bursting at the seams. With hourly rates ranging from approximately $50 to $150 and up, depending on the services you use, the fees can pile up quickly and eat up a good chunk of your budget.
It's much more prudent to do a lot of homework up front, advises Barbara Denise Files, author of two self-published books including her latest, Ballet Secrets for Skaters: How to Hone Your Artistic Competitive Edge.
Files enjoyed a positive experience working with book shepherd Marilyn Ross, co-founder of Small Publishers Association of North America (SPAN), and she attributes much of the collaboration's success to the fact that she did a lot of research before she even called Ross. "I didn't just pick up the phone and say, 'You know, I think I might want to write a book,'" Files says.
After formulating a business plan, Files did a background check on her prospective coach by monitoring her newsletters and submitting some questions to Ross via the internet. Satisfied that Ross really knew her stuff, Files gathered her materials-a mission statement, some demographic information she'd compiled on her target audience, and ideas for how to serve them-and developed some specific questions for Ross to answer during their consulting session: Should she write one book, or should she divide her information into a series? How could she best market her niche publication? How many copies should she have printed in the first run? And the all-important: What should the title be?
For Files, using a coach enabled her to make better-educated choices: "When you're a self-publishing author, there are a lot of crucial decisions you have to make," Files says. "A book shepherd acts like a sounding board and using one gives you access to professional feedback."
In order to make your book shepherding experience cost-effective, Files recommends networking with other self-publishers on Internet forums, joining writers' clubs, taking a class, and reading books on self-publishing so you can learn the rules of the road before hiring a consultant. "Make the call only after you have a specific plan and specific questions to ask," says Files, "otherwise, you're going to end up spending a lot of money and time asking basic questions without receiving much direction on your project."
Working with a book shepherd is like most experiences in life, according to Files, who says, "The more you put into it ahead of time, the more you'll get out of it."
Shepherds' Tips on Self-Publishing Success
1. "Self-publishing is an expensive business that has an all-or-nothing aspect to it. I don't recommend trying to publish on a shoestring. If you can't afford to do it right, just don't do it." (Simon Warwick-Smith)
2. "First I tell my authors that it's critically important to plan ahead. There are 120,000 new books per year on the market, a market that is glutted with books, and one needs to know how to approach that. Don't think about marketing, sales, and promotion after you've printed your book; get expert help on the cover, the content, and the page design." (Simon Warwick-Smith)
3. "Hire a professional book cover designer. The cover is hugely important real estate-it has to scan well into black and white, it has to have integrity at 1½ inches tall, it has to be clear at 10 feet tall, and it has to fit into its genre and stand out in quality." (Cynthia Frank)
4. "Approach your book-publishing venture like you would a business plan: Plan out what you are going to do yourself and what you are going to hire others to do. I don't think it's a good idea to do everything yourself…or to hire everything out." (Cynthia Frank)
5. "The look and feel and the copywriting on the cover are the most critical components. They speak for the author and give the book its best chance for success." (Ellen Reid)
6. "If you're really going out there to play in this $2.2-billion industry, you've got to have the same level of product that the traditional publishing houses put out." (Ellen Reid)
7. "If you do it all yourself, your book will look like you did it all yourself." (Patty Weckbaugh of Casa Graphics)
This article orginally appeared in Between the Lines, a free writers' e-zine brought to you by The Editorial Department, a 26-year-old freelance editorial firm. Please see for the e-zine
To the uninitiated author journeying alone, the critical decisions that need to be made along the way can be overwhelming, frustrating, and even downright daunting.
Fortunately, a new breed of publication consultants has grown up right alongside the flourishing self-publishing population to serve as guidance counselors through each phase of the complicated process. Though self-publishing is largely considered a DIY endeavor-hence the designation self-publishing-there may be many advantages to using a professional book shepherd (as book consultants have been dubbed by self-publishing guru Dan Poynter) that makes hiring one well worthy of consideration.
But, just what exactly is a book shepherd? In practice, many of the professional services book shepherds provide include either direct assistance with or advice on cover and interior book design, manuscript editing, printer brokering, forms filing, production, distribution, marketing, and publicity. Some shepherds work within fully staffed one-stop firms that will ferry your book through production and beyond; others work autonomously and will often refer you to experts in the areas they don't handle.
The Benefits of Hiring a Book Shepherd
Collaborating with a good book shepherd can increase your chances for publishing success-in more ways than you might think. "There's a bit of a misconception about what a book shepherd does," says Ellen Reid of Smarketing-Infinite Possibilities, "that it's all about book production. That's a component of what we do, but it's not the entire reason to hire a book shepherd."
Reid likens her consulting approach to playing the role of a creative director at an ad agency or the producer of a film, and she revels in the creative aspect of her job. First, she assembles a creative team of resources for each of her clients-a copywriter, an editor, and a cover and interior designer-then she oversees every aspect of design, production, and distribution.
Book shepherds can save authors time and keep them from making the major mistakes that self-publishing rookies are apt to make. "Self-publishing is not a simple business," says Simon Warwick-Smith, president of Warwick Associates and former senior VP of marketing for a large U.S. book distributor, "and people can either spend a few years learning about it, or they can go to someone who's been there who can tell them what to do."
Cynthia Frank, book consultant and president of Cypress House, who has 20 years' experience in the business, shares Warwick-Smith's philosophy and uses a similar approach. Frank asks her clients to describe their definition of publishing success so that she can help them reach that level-whether it's achieving a good sales ranking on or using their first book as a stepping stone to a traditional publishing contract. Next she asks her authors to perform a self-assessment, honestly representing their weaknesses and strengths regarding aspects of the business, so she can formulate a comprehensive plan that will align their definition of success with the concrete steps to making it happen.
"If my client is not good at marketing, for example, and all of his capital is tied up in inventory," says Frank, "then there's no money left over for marketing, and he's heading for trouble. I help my clients see where they're coming up short in the planning stages."
Book shepherds also help their clients get up to speed quickly on the ins and outs of self-publishing. "There's so much jargon in our industry, and if somebody is just starting out, their eyes will be spinning in their head," says Frank. "We explain the different registrations and distribution methods and help them decide whether their books should be sold in bookstores, specialty shops, or gift and stationery stores, for example."
Planning ahead, experts agree, is of the utmost importance. Self-publishing is, in effect, a small business, and it deserves to be treated as such right from the start. Most shepherds strongly advise authors to prepare a formal business plan for a self-publishing venture before they even begin writing the manuscript. "Oftentimes we see people go into self-publishing with no more forethought than they would use to order a meal at a fancy restaurant," says Frank.
Sometimes, too, a book shepherd has connections and proven strategies that can benefit the aspiring author. "I've developed relationships with national distributors," says book shepherd Gail Kearns of To Press and Beyond, "and if the product is great and the price is right, I can usually get the books into the hands of distributors. We also have some creative ideas for marketing that don't cost a lot of money."
In essence, a good book shepherd can save an author time, money, headaches, and-one hopes-disappointment.
How to Get the Most from a Book Shepherding Session
But don't plan on using a book shepherd to hold your hand every step of the way-unless of course, your pocketbook is bursting at the seams. With hourly rates ranging from approximately $50 to $150 and up, depending on the services you use, the fees can pile up quickly and eat up a good chunk of your budget.
It's much more prudent to do a lot of homework up front, advises Barbara Denise Files, author of two self-published books including her latest, Ballet Secrets for Skaters: How to Hone Your Artistic Competitive Edge.
Files enjoyed a positive experience working with book shepherd Marilyn Ross, co-founder of Small Publishers Association of North America (SPAN), and she attributes much of the collaboration's success to the fact that she did a lot of research before she even called Ross. "I didn't just pick up the phone and say, 'You know, I think I might want to write a book,'" Files says.
After formulating a business plan, Files did a background check on her prospective coach by monitoring her newsletters and submitting some questions to Ross via the internet. Satisfied that Ross really knew her stuff, Files gathered her materials-a mission statement, some demographic information she'd compiled on her target audience, and ideas for how to serve them-and developed some specific questions for Ross to answer during their consulting session: Should she write one book, or should she divide her information into a series? How could she best market her niche publication? How many copies should she have printed in the first run? And the all-important: What should the title be?
For Files, using a coach enabled her to make better-educated choices: "When you're a self-publishing author, there are a lot of crucial decisions you have to make," Files says. "A book shepherd acts like a sounding board and using one gives you access to professional feedback."
In order to make your book shepherding experience cost-effective, Files recommends networking with other self-publishers on Internet forums, joining writers' clubs, taking a class, and reading books on self-publishing so you can learn the rules of the road before hiring a consultant. "Make the call only after you have a specific plan and specific questions to ask," says Files, "otherwise, you're going to end up spending a lot of money and time asking basic questions without receiving much direction on your project."
Working with a book shepherd is like most experiences in life, according to Files, who says, "The more you put into it ahead of time, the more you'll get out of it."
Shepherds' Tips on Self-Publishing Success
1. "Self-publishing is an expensive business that has an all-or-nothing aspect to it. I don't recommend trying to publish on a shoestring. If you can't afford to do it right, just don't do it." (Simon Warwick-Smith)
2. "First I tell my authors that it's critically important to plan ahead. There are 120,000 new books per year on the market, a market that is glutted with books, and one needs to know how to approach that. Don't think about marketing, sales, and promotion after you've printed your book; get expert help on the cover, the content, and the page design." (Simon Warwick-Smith)
3. "Hire a professional book cover designer. The cover is hugely important real estate-it has to scan well into black and white, it has to have integrity at 1½ inches tall, it has to be clear at 10 feet tall, and it has to fit into its genre and stand out in quality." (Cynthia Frank)
4. "Approach your book-publishing venture like you would a business plan: Plan out what you are going to do yourself and what you are going to hire others to do. I don't think it's a good idea to do everything yourself…or to hire everything out." (Cynthia Frank)
5. "The look and feel and the copywriting on the cover are the most critical components. They speak for the author and give the book its best chance for success." (Ellen Reid)
6. "If you're really going out there to play in this $2.2-billion industry, you've got to have the same level of product that the traditional publishing houses put out." (Ellen Reid)
7. "If you do it all yourself, your book will look like you did it all yourself." (Patty Weckbaugh of Casa Graphics)
This article orginally appeared in Between the Lines, a free writers' e-zine brought to you by The Editorial Department, a 26-year-old freelance editorial firm. Please see for the e-zine
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Prosperity, Step-by-Step
Some may think that the change from paucity or 'the norm' to abundant prosperity is a mysterious and miraculous leap brought on by fate or fortune. It is not. It is, in 99% of the cases, a step-by-step and conscious following of an envisioned and intentional path; it is a proven formula.
The formula is repeated on almost every page of the Prosperity Paradigm Website. It is stated simply as Purpose + Passion + Persistence = Prosperity. It may sound simple. It may even, for most, be something too simple to seem real. It is, however, the path that all those who achieve the prosperity they dream and desire, walk step-by-step.
The lover of math in me likes to define it as 3p=P.
If you critically examine the lives of most people, you will see that they wander through life without (a defined) purpose. It is the rare individual who can tell you in a short paragraph immediately when asked, What is the purpose of your life? Even amongst those who can answer, the response most give is usually some vague and hollow repetition of some assumed or inherited survival, societal or spiritual meme. It is meaningless drivel.
It is the truly rare and almost inevitably successful and happy individual who will be able to state succinctly and definitely what the real and tangible purpose of their life is. Their defined purpose may not seem all that important to you. That matters not a whit. It only matters to that person that it has value; more, that it has an all-consuming importance.
If you do not know what your real (self-assigned) purpose is, then the first and most critical step on your path to real and lasting prosperity (and happiness) is to define your purpose. Only you can do that for yourself. Any purpose assigned to your by parents, peers or societal expectations is false. It will not, therefore, bear the fruit you desire success and fulfillment, i.e. prosperity, which is the having of an abundance of ALL things held ideal in mind and dear in heart.
It may take some critical self-examination and a great deal of personal honesty to arrive at a real, defined sense of purpose for your life. So what? What else are you doing with your life? Are you tired of being just average or unhappy; weary of merely surviving?
Figure out with what purpose you journey through these few short years on planet earth. It is step one in your quest for having a meaningful and purposeful life. You, and only you, must decide and define your purpose. Then go about living your each and every day to fulfill that purpose. It is aptly called being on purpose.
Ah, passion. How we soar when we have it! Remember falling in love and lusting after being with that one truly special person? Passion! How wondrous! How consuming! How addictive! How enlivening! How intense! How fulfilling! How passionate!
The next step in your path to real and lasting prosperity is to become PASSIONATE about your purpose and your moment-by-moment existence.
It is often called a lust for life, but it is more than that. It is a lust for the self-decided purpose of your life, AND, it is an immense gratitude for being blessed with being able to pursue that purpose.
Get passionate or stay home. Without passion, life is mediocre. You have already learned that lesson, even if you deny or forget it in order to tolerate some normality or compromise. you have made to get through each day without passion.
Now, here is the tough part for many, many people life will throw you curves, put up road blocks, appear to resist your journey and generally test your resolve. The majority will take these 'obstacles' as proof that they are mistaken in their choice of purpose and passion or that they were not destined to have the level of prosperity they desire. Those who take these 'messages' as lessons or as opportunities to garner more strength will be the ones who succeed. Persistence pays dividends. Huge dividends. Invest in a little persistence.
Although I would like to find a way to say it better, there is no greater quote than that spoken by Calvin Coolidge, "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
So there we have it. The simply stated, but not so simply applied, formula for achieving the prosperity you desire 3p=P.
So now you know. The only thing holding you back from having your heart's desire is your lack of application of this one formula.
It is your choice. You are totally free to choose a purpose for your life (or not). You are totally free to become passionate about life and your purpose (or not). You are totally free to desist (give up/compromise/take the easy way out) or persist.
Prosperity is a matter of choice, not chance.
The formula is repeated on almost every page of the Prosperity Paradigm Website. It is stated simply as Purpose + Passion + Persistence = Prosperity. It may sound simple. It may even, for most, be something too simple to seem real. It is, however, the path that all those who achieve the prosperity they dream and desire, walk step-by-step.
The lover of math in me likes to define it as 3p=P.
If you critically examine the lives of most people, you will see that they wander through life without (a defined) purpose. It is the rare individual who can tell you in a short paragraph immediately when asked, What is the purpose of your life? Even amongst those who can answer, the response most give is usually some vague and hollow repetition of some assumed or inherited survival, societal or spiritual meme. It is meaningless drivel.
It is the truly rare and almost inevitably successful and happy individual who will be able to state succinctly and definitely what the real and tangible purpose of their life is. Their defined purpose may not seem all that important to you. That matters not a whit. It only matters to that person that it has value; more, that it has an all-consuming importance.
If you do not know what your real (self-assigned) purpose is, then the first and most critical step on your path to real and lasting prosperity (and happiness) is to define your purpose. Only you can do that for yourself. Any purpose assigned to your by parents, peers or societal expectations is false. It will not, therefore, bear the fruit you desire success and fulfillment, i.e. prosperity, which is the having of an abundance of ALL things held ideal in mind and dear in heart.
It may take some critical self-examination and a great deal of personal honesty to arrive at a real, defined sense of purpose for your life. So what? What else are you doing with your life? Are you tired of being just average or unhappy; weary of merely surviving?
Figure out with what purpose you journey through these few short years on planet earth. It is step one in your quest for having a meaningful and purposeful life. You, and only you, must decide and define your purpose. Then go about living your each and every day to fulfill that purpose. It is aptly called being on purpose.
Ah, passion. How we soar when we have it! Remember falling in love and lusting after being with that one truly special person? Passion! How wondrous! How consuming! How addictive! How enlivening! How intense! How fulfilling! How passionate!
The next step in your path to real and lasting prosperity is to become PASSIONATE about your purpose and your moment-by-moment existence.
It is often called a lust for life, but it is more than that. It is a lust for the self-decided purpose of your life, AND, it is an immense gratitude for being blessed with being able to pursue that purpose.
Get passionate or stay home. Without passion, life is mediocre. You have already learned that lesson, even if you deny or forget it in order to tolerate some normality or compromise. you have made to get through each day without passion.
Now, here is the tough part for many, many people life will throw you curves, put up road blocks, appear to resist your journey and generally test your resolve. The majority will take these 'obstacles' as proof that they are mistaken in their choice of purpose and passion or that they were not destined to have the level of prosperity they desire. Those who take these 'messages' as lessons or as opportunities to garner more strength will be the ones who succeed. Persistence pays dividends. Huge dividends. Invest in a little persistence.
Although I would like to find a way to say it better, there is no greater quote than that spoken by Calvin Coolidge, "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
So there we have it. The simply stated, but not so simply applied, formula for achieving the prosperity you desire 3p=P.
So now you know. The only thing holding you back from having your heart's desire is your lack of application of this one formula.
It is your choice. You are totally free to choose a purpose for your life (or not). You are totally free to become passionate about life and your purpose (or not). You are totally free to desist (give up/compromise/take the easy way out) or persist.
Prosperity is a matter of choice, not chance.
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Realities Of Publishing Your Own Book
Publishing a book is one of the best ways to position yourself as an expert in your field. Not only that but the book demonstrates your expertise in its best and most organized format. And perhaps the biggest advantage of all is that your book allows people to be introduced to your expertise without you doing a thing. Yes, you have to write it and get it published. And you also have to market it. But after that, you can sit back and let people read it on their own time.
So let's talk about some of the realities behind publishing your own book. The biggest misconception people have about the process is that the publishing company does the marketing. Untrue. Regardless of the publishing company you use, the responsibility falls squarely on the author. And that's a rude awakening for most aspiring authors.
Marketing is no easy task and the biggest priority of publishers considering your book proposal is NOT the quality of your writing or the brilliance of your idea but your ability to market you own book. Yes, it's true. The biggest thing publishers look for when they evaluate book proposals is your audience and your following. They call it your platform and it refers to the activities you do everyday that put you in front of potential buyers.
The best thing you can do to increase the odds of your book proposal getting accepted by a publisher is to build your platform. Whether that includes workshops and seminars, press releases and media publicity, interviews and special events, blogging and podcasting or internet marketing, publishers need to know you have a strategy to promote your book and the tools necessary to pull it off. Indeed, they're looking for a certain amount of star power.
If you don't have a platform when you submit your book proposal, it won't even get a second glance. That's why it's absolutely imperative to get the process started early. Offer workshops and seminars. Develop a website and build awareness and traffic. Use press releases to announce events or special milestones. Write articles, both online and off. Look for speaking engagements to build credibility and gain exposure. These are the things publishers will favor when evaluating your proposal.
Another misconception about getting a book published is that you'll make money in the process. Unfortunately, this is rarely true on the first book. As an unproven author, you won't be able to negotiate a big percentage in the book deal and the marketing campaign will devour most of the profits. The primary objective behind your first book should be to build credibility, gain exposure and validate your abilities as an author, including marketing. If you succeed, you'll get a much better deal on your second book and that's where you can start making money.
Publishing a book can be one of the best steps a person can take when developing a business. It sets you apart from the vast majority of others in your field and people will forever more treat you differently. But you also have to be realistic with the process and that's what this article is all about. There is lots of information that can support the development of a platform and the marketing requirements on the Tactical Execution website and I encourage you to take advantage of those resources.
So let's talk about some of the realities behind publishing your own book. The biggest misconception people have about the process is that the publishing company does the marketing. Untrue. Regardless of the publishing company you use, the responsibility falls squarely on the author. And that's a rude awakening for most aspiring authors.
Marketing is no easy task and the biggest priority of publishers considering your book proposal is NOT the quality of your writing or the brilliance of your idea but your ability to market you own book. Yes, it's true. The biggest thing publishers look for when they evaluate book proposals is your audience and your following. They call it your platform and it refers to the activities you do everyday that put you in front of potential buyers.
The best thing you can do to increase the odds of your book proposal getting accepted by a publisher is to build your platform. Whether that includes workshops and seminars, press releases and media publicity, interviews and special events, blogging and podcasting or internet marketing, publishers need to know you have a strategy to promote your book and the tools necessary to pull it off. Indeed, they're looking for a certain amount of star power.
If you don't have a platform when you submit your book proposal, it won't even get a second glance. That's why it's absolutely imperative to get the process started early. Offer workshops and seminars. Develop a website and build awareness and traffic. Use press releases to announce events or special milestones. Write articles, both online and off. Look for speaking engagements to build credibility and gain exposure. These are the things publishers will favor when evaluating your proposal.
Another misconception about getting a book published is that you'll make money in the process. Unfortunately, this is rarely true on the first book. As an unproven author, you won't be able to negotiate a big percentage in the book deal and the marketing campaign will devour most of the profits. The primary objective behind your first book should be to build credibility, gain exposure and validate your abilities as an author, including marketing. If you succeed, you'll get a much better deal on your second book and that's where you can start making money.
Publishing a book can be one of the best steps a person can take when developing a business. It sets you apart from the vast majority of others in your field and people will forever more treat you differently. But you also have to be realistic with the process and that's what this article is all about. There is lots of information that can support the development of a platform and the marketing requirements on the Tactical Execution website and I encourage you to take advantage of those resources.
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Selasa, 12 April 2011
The Value Of Safety Videos
Safety videos can provide many excellent resources for you and for your employees. What are they and how can they help your organization? First, realize that safety videos are full of valuable information. They can teach and provide that information on just about any safety related topic quite simply. And more importantly, effectively. If you have problems with workmen's compensation or employees following state and local safety regulations, consider the purchase and installation of various safety videos.
For example, one of the most common workmen's compensation claims has to do with back pain. Most of the time, people do not realize that there is a good and a bad way to lift heavy items. So, they just bend down and lift. But, lifting from your back can cause a number of problems including painful tears, stretches and even problems with the spine. If employees are taught to lift with their legs instead, they can help reduce the injuries that could happen. Providing safety videos to help bring this issue to the front would not only allow them to hear what you need them to do, but to see it too.
Safety videos are much more complex than this though. Teaching employees how to handle hazardous chemicals as well as helping them learn the right way to wash their hands before touching food are also available. While you may be thinking that these are common sense things that people should know, many people unfortunately need to be told. So, investing the time and money into safety videos can do this for you quite effectively.
You can find a wide range of safety videos available on the web. You'll find them for just about any type of need that you may have. And, you will find that they provide exceptional quality options for teaching your employees about how to remain safe on the job. Not only will this help protect them, it will keep you and your business safe too.
For example, one of the most common workmen's compensation claims has to do with back pain. Most of the time, people do not realize that there is a good and a bad way to lift heavy items. So, they just bend down and lift. But, lifting from your back can cause a number of problems including painful tears, stretches and even problems with the spine. If employees are taught to lift with their legs instead, they can help reduce the injuries that could happen. Providing safety videos to help bring this issue to the front would not only allow them to hear what you need them to do, but to see it too.
Safety videos are much more complex than this though. Teaching employees how to handle hazardous chemicals as well as helping them learn the right way to wash their hands before touching food are also available. While you may be thinking that these are common sense things that people should know, many people unfortunately need to be told. So, investing the time and money into safety videos can do this for you quite effectively.
You can find a wide range of safety videos available on the web. You'll find them for just about any type of need that you may have. And, you will find that they provide exceptional quality options for teaching your employees about how to remain safe on the job. Not only will this help protect them, it will keep you and your business safe too.
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Senin, 11 April 2011
33 Reasons To Do A News Release
News releases are not the best way to get major media coverage, but they can be used to increase the frequency with which your company name appears in the press.
Press releases will get you coverage in set features like business notes, and new personnel columns. They also provide a good way to let allies, employees and customers know what you are doing. For these purposes, post releases on the company website, send out by e-mail, or distribute by one of the services like PR Newswire or PR Web.
Here is a quick list of 33 possible reasons for you to write and distribute a news release.
* New Products
* Business Start-Up
* Partnership
* Strategic Alliances
* New Or Innovative Business Strategy
* Restructuring The Company
* Going Public/Going Private
* Company Comeback From Adversity
* New Employees
* Important Executive Retiring/Resigning
* Executives Comment On Business/Economic Trends
* Employee Promotions
* New Branch Offices
* New Divisions Established
* Headquarters Relocating
* Research Results Announcement
* Major Anniversary
* Major New Client Acquisition
* Company Revenue, Sales or Profit Growth
* Company Name Change
* Winning Major Awards Or Receiving National Recognition
* Company Presenting An Award
* Receiving Important Accreditation or Certification
* Holding Free Seminar or Workshop
* Employee Appointed To Civic/Government/Professional Board
* Availability Of Guest Articles Or White Papers
* Issuing A Position Statement On Topical Subject
* Free Consumer Information Available
* Company Speakers Bureau
* Company Philanthropic Support
* Major Company Milestone
* New Board of Directors
* New Website
Press releases will get you coverage in set features like business notes, and new personnel columns. They also provide a good way to let allies, employees and customers know what you are doing. For these purposes, post releases on the company website, send out by e-mail, or distribute by one of the services like PR Newswire or PR Web.
Here is a quick list of 33 possible reasons for you to write and distribute a news release.
* New Products
* Business Start-Up
* Partnership
* Strategic Alliances
* New Or Innovative Business Strategy
* Restructuring The Company
* Going Public/Going Private
* Company Comeback From Adversity
* New Employees
* Important Executive Retiring/Resigning
* Executives Comment On Business/Economic Trends
* Employee Promotions
* New Branch Offices
* New Divisions Established
* Headquarters Relocating
* Research Results Announcement
* Major Anniversary
* Major New Client Acquisition
* Company Revenue, Sales or Profit Growth
* Company Name Change
* Winning Major Awards Or Receiving National Recognition
* Company Presenting An Award
* Receiving Important Accreditation or Certification
* Holding Free Seminar or Workshop
* Employee Appointed To Civic/Government/Professional Board
* Availability Of Guest Articles Or White Papers
* Issuing A Position Statement On Topical Subject
* Free Consumer Information Available
* Company Speakers Bureau
* Company Philanthropic Support
* Major Company Milestone
* New Board of Directors
* New Website
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Public Relations
Boost Your Attraction Confidence
Do you struggle with a lack of confidence where the Law of Attraction is concerned? It's a common problem that many people have - especially at the beginning when they're just learning how to use their power as conscious creators!
However, a strong level of confidence is crucial simply because your confidence level is a direct reflection of your inner beliefs. Since the Law of Attraction is guided by your beliefs, low confidence means uncertain results!
In order to boost your attraction abilities and create better results, you need to have confidence in three key areas:
1) Self-confidence.
Do you believe that you are a powerful creator in your own right? Really? Or do you still see yourself as a victim, at the mercy of both internal and external factors that are out of your control? Do you often feel overwhelmed or frightened by your circumstances? If so, you don't really believe in your own ability to change them!
To turn this around, begin working daily on affirming your own power as a deliberate creator. Remind yourself that your own thoughts, beliefs and emotions are what attract your circumstances, and you have the power to choose those - ALWAYS!
2) Confidence in a loving universe.
Do you often feel like the universe is working against you? Do you believe you have "bad luck?" Do you feel like you're being punished for some forgotten karmic debt? The perception of an angry, judgmental universe (or "God") is something that many of us received when we were growing up. The problem with this perception is that it keeps us feeling like we have to walk around on eggshells lest we trigger a wrath of punishment and suffering for our transgressions!
In order to overcome this limiting perception, begin changing the way you see the universe. Imagine that the universe is kind, loving and supportive of you and your dreams. Affirm that you've got a host of angels, enlightened beings, or simply a loving God cheering you on, wanting you to be happy. The more you work at shifting your perception of the universe to one that is loving and kind, the more confidence you will have that you can be, do or have anything you desire.
3) Trust the process.
Also important is having confidence that the Law of Attraction really does work. At the beginning of your conscious creation journey, you probably won't believe this. You may WANT to believe it, but you won't have a strong level of confidence yet. Once you begin seeing the proof with your own eyes, your confidence level will soar!
In the meantime, one good way to begin building greater confidence and trust in the process is to embrace a bit of "active faith." Simply CHOOSE to believe that the Law of Attraction works. If doubts pop up (and they probably will), simply affirm that you are setting them aside for now and continue to choose to believe anyway. It may take practice, but the more you do this, the more easily you'll start to TRULY believe.
Confidence is really all about believing. It's about knowing, deep in your heart that you are a powerful creator with the ability to turn your life into anything you desire. The more you believe it, the more you'll see evidence of it in every area of your life!
However, a strong level of confidence is crucial simply because your confidence level is a direct reflection of your inner beliefs. Since the Law of Attraction is guided by your beliefs, low confidence means uncertain results!
In order to boost your attraction abilities and create better results, you need to have confidence in three key areas:
1) Self-confidence.
Do you believe that you are a powerful creator in your own right? Really? Or do you still see yourself as a victim, at the mercy of both internal and external factors that are out of your control? Do you often feel overwhelmed or frightened by your circumstances? If so, you don't really believe in your own ability to change them!
To turn this around, begin working daily on affirming your own power as a deliberate creator. Remind yourself that your own thoughts, beliefs and emotions are what attract your circumstances, and you have the power to choose those - ALWAYS!
2) Confidence in a loving universe.
Do you often feel like the universe is working against you? Do you believe you have "bad luck?" Do you feel like you're being punished for some forgotten karmic debt? The perception of an angry, judgmental universe (or "God") is something that many of us received when we were growing up. The problem with this perception is that it keeps us feeling like we have to walk around on eggshells lest we trigger a wrath of punishment and suffering for our transgressions!
In order to overcome this limiting perception, begin changing the way you see the universe. Imagine that the universe is kind, loving and supportive of you and your dreams. Affirm that you've got a host of angels, enlightened beings, or simply a loving God cheering you on, wanting you to be happy. The more you work at shifting your perception of the universe to one that is loving and kind, the more confidence you will have that you can be, do or have anything you desire.
3) Trust the process.
Also important is having confidence that the Law of Attraction really does work. At the beginning of your conscious creation journey, you probably won't believe this. You may WANT to believe it, but you won't have a strong level of confidence yet. Once you begin seeing the proof with your own eyes, your confidence level will soar!
In the meantime, one good way to begin building greater confidence and trust in the process is to embrace a bit of "active faith." Simply CHOOSE to believe that the Law of Attraction works. If doubts pop up (and they probably will), simply affirm that you are setting them aside for now and continue to choose to believe anyway. It may take practice, but the more you do this, the more easily you'll start to TRULY believe.
Confidence is really all about believing. It's about knowing, deep in your heart that you are a powerful creator with the ability to turn your life into anything you desire. The more you believe it, the more you'll see evidence of it in every area of your life!
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time management
Creative Thinking: A How-To Guide
Creative thinking is a potential we are all born with. If you don't use that potential, it is probably because you don't know and apply the simple principles for developing it. We can remedy that right now.
The two basic principles of creative thinking are:
1. There are methods and techniques of creative thinking.
2. Making these methods and techniques a part of your mental habits will make creative thinking easy and automatic.
An entrepreneur sees the potential profit in a situation, because his mind is trained for that. A lawyer sees the potential problems, because that is how his mind is trained. How we repeatedly think becomes a habit, and that is how you train a mind. Learn the techniques of creative thinking, use them until they are a habit, and creative thinking will be as natural for you as lying is for a politician.
The Techniques Of Creative Thinking
There are dozens of creative problem solving techniques you can learn to use. "Concept-combination," for example, will have you mixing roses and clocks to create the first alarm clock that wakes you up with a gentle release of fragrance. Use the technique of "random-presentation" and a cell phone can give the idea to do your dictation with a pocket tape recorder while you walk, so you'll have time for exercise and still get your work done.
Creative thinking goes beyond just solving specific problems or inventing new things. A truly creative mind is always coming up with the questions too, not just the solutions. To be more creative all the time, focus on three things:
1. Challenge your assumptions. What if a restaurant didn't have employees? Customers could pay a machine as they enter, and feed themselves at a buffet. If everything was as automated as possible, maybe one owner-operator could run a large restaurant alone. Challenge everything. Do you have to go to work? Do pools need water? Is education always a good thing?
2. Change your perspective. Imagining a dog's thoughts about your busyness could clue you in to the unecessary things you do. Thinking dollars-per-day instead of per-hour could give you a plan to let employees go home when they finish a certain quota. Greater efficiency would be almost certain, and you could adjust daily pay and quotas so both you and employees made more money. Look at everything from several perspectives.
3. Let your ideas run wild. Flying furniture seems silly, but it may lead to the idea of a hover-lifter. Slide the device under furniture and it lifts it with a cushion of air, making for easy moving. Don't stifle your creativity. Relax, let ideas come, and know that you can always discard them later.
Creating Creative Thinking Habits
To make the above techniques into an automatic part of your thinking, just use them enough. Usually it takes several weeks to develop a habit, so you need a way to remind yourself each day during that time. Try writing a few of your favorite techniques on a card and carrying it with you. Pull it out throughout the day and apply the techniques to anything. Soon, more creative thinking will be a normal part of your life.
The two basic principles of creative thinking are:
1. There are methods and techniques of creative thinking.
2. Making these methods and techniques a part of your mental habits will make creative thinking easy and automatic.
An entrepreneur sees the potential profit in a situation, because his mind is trained for that. A lawyer sees the potential problems, because that is how his mind is trained. How we repeatedly think becomes a habit, and that is how you train a mind. Learn the techniques of creative thinking, use them until they are a habit, and creative thinking will be as natural for you as lying is for a politician.
The Techniques Of Creative Thinking
There are dozens of creative problem solving techniques you can learn to use. "Concept-combination," for example, will have you mixing roses and clocks to create the first alarm clock that wakes you up with a gentle release of fragrance. Use the technique of "random-presentation" and a cell phone can give the idea to do your dictation with a pocket tape recorder while you walk, so you'll have time for exercise and still get your work done.
Creative thinking goes beyond just solving specific problems or inventing new things. A truly creative mind is always coming up with the questions too, not just the solutions. To be more creative all the time, focus on three things:
1. Challenge your assumptions. What if a restaurant didn't have employees? Customers could pay a machine as they enter, and feed themselves at a buffet. If everything was as automated as possible, maybe one owner-operator could run a large restaurant alone. Challenge everything. Do you have to go to work? Do pools need water? Is education always a good thing?
2. Change your perspective. Imagining a dog's thoughts about your busyness could clue you in to the unecessary things you do. Thinking dollars-per-day instead of per-hour could give you a plan to let employees go home when they finish a certain quota. Greater efficiency would be almost certain, and you could adjust daily pay and quotas so both you and employees made more money. Look at everything from several perspectives.
3. Let your ideas run wild. Flying furniture seems silly, but it may lead to the idea of a hover-lifter. Slide the device under furniture and it lifts it with a cushion of air, making for easy moving. Don't stifle your creativity. Relax, let ideas come, and know that you can always discard them later.
Creating Creative Thinking Habits
To make the above techniques into an automatic part of your thinking, just use them enough. Usually it takes several weeks to develop a habit, so you need a way to remind yourself each day during that time. Try writing a few of your favorite techniques on a card and carrying it with you. Pull it out throughout the day and apply the techniques to anything. Soon, more creative thinking will be a normal part of your life.
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Living A Happy Life
Most of us get up each day and go through the same routine whatever we do in life – most of us are reasonably happy and content and just get on with living.
There is of course nothing wrong with that in the slightest but what would you say if you were granted the gift of REAL happiness which lead you down a path of such peace and contentment that no other experience you've had to date could compare.
You know what it's like when you are looking forward to Christmas, the anticipation and the excitement just builds and builds. The same is true when the countdown to your holiday begins and then the joy of the holiday itself.
Well how would you like those feelings of pure joy, anticipation and excitement to be with you on a daily basis and then to find that the fulfilment part is even better – a feeling that you could just "burst for joy" and an inner peace and contentment that you've only ever seen at the movies?
Well I've found just that and the adrenalin seems to be pumping all the time and the buzz and excitement I get from life still amazes me.
I had the most amazing experience just under 3 years ago and my life changed dramatically from that day on and the incredible thing is that it just gets better and better – the miraculous gift that I've been given is something that I feel driven to expose the rest of mankind too, regardless of race colour or creed.
It was for that reason my book formed (I had been writing a few details of my experiences and at the time I had no intention of actually writing a book) and I just want to share this experience because if we could all feel like I do now the world would be such a different place to live in not just for us but for our children and their children and so on – a happy life is there for us all if we just accept the wondrous gift that is on offer – a gift that actually costs us nothing at all.
A recent testimonial, exerts of which are included below, show just why I want this book to reach and touch people who are looking for what I've found.
I LAVISHED your book. My life was in shambles; my wife had divorced me and tonight I was in such a state of despair that I had rung my Mother to tell her that suicide was my only option - after reading your book I have a peace about me that I have not had since I was 19 and I'm 56 now. Thank you thank you for allowing God to speak through you to me - I now feel a complete relief from all the pain and misery I have known for the past 37 years and I thank you for saving my life - actually GOD SAVED MY LIFE but you threw me the life preserver - may God continue to bless you, your family and your ministry.
Roy Thompson, Atlanta, Georgia -
There is of course nothing wrong with that in the slightest but what would you say if you were granted the gift of REAL happiness which lead you down a path of such peace and contentment that no other experience you've had to date could compare.
You know what it's like when you are looking forward to Christmas, the anticipation and the excitement just builds and builds. The same is true when the countdown to your holiday begins and then the joy of the holiday itself.
Well how would you like those feelings of pure joy, anticipation and excitement to be with you on a daily basis and then to find that the fulfilment part is even better – a feeling that you could just "burst for joy" and an inner peace and contentment that you've only ever seen at the movies?
Well I've found just that and the adrenalin seems to be pumping all the time and the buzz and excitement I get from life still amazes me.
I had the most amazing experience just under 3 years ago and my life changed dramatically from that day on and the incredible thing is that it just gets better and better – the miraculous gift that I've been given is something that I feel driven to expose the rest of mankind too, regardless of race colour or creed.
It was for that reason my book formed (I had been writing a few details of my experiences and at the time I had no intention of actually writing a book) and I just want to share this experience because if we could all feel like I do now the world would be such a different place to live in not just for us but for our children and their children and so on – a happy life is there for us all if we just accept the wondrous gift that is on offer – a gift that actually costs us nothing at all.
A recent testimonial, exerts of which are included below, show just why I want this book to reach and touch people who are looking for what I've found.
I LAVISHED your book. My life was in shambles; my wife had divorced me and tonight I was in such a state of despair that I had rung my Mother to tell her that suicide was my only option - after reading your book I have a peace about me that I have not had since I was 19 and I'm 56 now. Thank you thank you for allowing God to speak through you to me - I now feel a complete relief from all the pain and misery I have known for the past 37 years and I thank you for saving my life - actually GOD SAVED MY LIFE but you threw me the life preserver - may God continue to bless you, your family and your ministry.
Roy Thompson, Atlanta, Georgia -
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Sabtu, 09 April 2011
Five New Product Ideas
Here are some new product ideas for things yet to be invented, or innovations yet to be tried. Why don't you be the inventor or innovator? Help yourself. There are no patents on the following ideas as far as I know - but do your patent research, of course.
1. A pavlovian dog calling device. The scientist Ivan Pavlov trained dogs to salivate when a bell rang - simply by ringing a bell whenever they ate. Imagine a small beeper on your dog's collar. Each time you feed him you first start the beeper with a radio-control device. Soon all you have to do to get him to come running for the kitchen is push that button and make the device beep.
A range of up to a mile would be nice for calling the dog home. The technology for this is already here, waiting to be put together, but would people buy it? I think so. It's interesting, useful, and new product ideas for pets are always in high demand lately.
2. The Innovation Game. This is a competitive innovation teaching-game, to help develop the players creative skills. Cards challenge players to invent something (on paper) based on certain criteria. For example, a card might require players to combine two concepts in the most innovative way. All the various problem solving techniques would be exercised using these cards.
One problem to overcome in developing this game is the competitive aspect. How would results be judged to determine a winner? Perhaps the game would have to have a volunteer sit out during each round, to function as a "judge" and award the points.
3. Better pedal boats. The pedal boats you see at many parks are designed so that two people can pedal them around a pond or lake. However, if you have ever tried one, you realize that they are less fun than they appear. This is mostly because they are slow.
A better pedal boat would be in the shape of a torpedo. The point is to create something that glides through the water more easily. Even if it is to hold more than one person, the users could be in a line, instead of next to each other, for better streamlining. Make one that can actually hydroplane and everyone at the beach will want to try it out.
4. Underwater treasure hunting camera. With all the new interest in metal detectors and treasure hunting, this is a natural. Years ago there was a treasure hunter who regularly found guns, money and more in murky rivers, using a tube with a plexiglass glued over one end, and a light strapped to the outside. He held the device near the bottom of the river and was able to see what was there.
What could be better than this? A small camera, especially now that the technology has developed smaller components. It could be lowered to great depths from any boat or dock. A motorized "claw" at the bottom might make it especially useful and interesting to those of us who like "toys."
5. Glue-on soles. (Some of you who don't hike might not relate to this one.) Blisters are caused by the friction of your feet sliding and rubbing on the inside of your shoes. A good non-heat-conducting sole, glued to your foot, could slide in that shoe all day while your feet were prevented from getting blisters, since the bottom of the foot itself wouldn't rub against anything. That is the essence of "New Soles," the newest in foot protection.
Before writing this new product idea off as too weird, remember that we glue fake teeth into our mouths. A similar glue might do the trick, and these glue-on soles would be for very specific markets - like long distance hikers and runners. Of course, there will have to be a simple way to remove them too.
1. A pavlovian dog calling device. The scientist Ivan Pavlov trained dogs to salivate when a bell rang - simply by ringing a bell whenever they ate. Imagine a small beeper on your dog's collar. Each time you feed him you first start the beeper with a radio-control device. Soon all you have to do to get him to come running for the kitchen is push that button and make the device beep.
A range of up to a mile would be nice for calling the dog home. The technology for this is already here, waiting to be put together, but would people buy it? I think so. It's interesting, useful, and new product ideas for pets are always in high demand lately.
2. The Innovation Game. This is a competitive innovation teaching-game, to help develop the players creative skills. Cards challenge players to invent something (on paper) based on certain criteria. For example, a card might require players to combine two concepts in the most innovative way. All the various problem solving techniques would be exercised using these cards.
One problem to overcome in developing this game is the competitive aspect. How would results be judged to determine a winner? Perhaps the game would have to have a volunteer sit out during each round, to function as a "judge" and award the points.
3. Better pedal boats. The pedal boats you see at many parks are designed so that two people can pedal them around a pond or lake. However, if you have ever tried one, you realize that they are less fun than they appear. This is mostly because they are slow.
A better pedal boat would be in the shape of a torpedo. The point is to create something that glides through the water more easily. Even if it is to hold more than one person, the users could be in a line, instead of next to each other, for better streamlining. Make one that can actually hydroplane and everyone at the beach will want to try it out.
4. Underwater treasure hunting camera. With all the new interest in metal detectors and treasure hunting, this is a natural. Years ago there was a treasure hunter who regularly found guns, money and more in murky rivers, using a tube with a plexiglass glued over one end, and a light strapped to the outside. He held the device near the bottom of the river and was able to see what was there.
What could be better than this? A small camera, especially now that the technology has developed smaller components. It could be lowered to great depths from any boat or dock. A motorized "claw" at the bottom might make it especially useful and interesting to those of us who like "toys."
5. Glue-on soles. (Some of you who don't hike might not relate to this one.) Blisters are caused by the friction of your feet sliding and rubbing on the inside of your shoes. A good non-heat-conducting sole, glued to your foot, could slide in that shoe all day while your feet were prevented from getting blisters, since the bottom of the foot itself wouldn't rub against anything. That is the essence of "New Soles," the newest in foot protection.
Before writing this new product idea off as too weird, remember that we glue fake teeth into our mouths. A similar glue might do the trick, and these glue-on soles would be for very specific markets - like long distance hikers and runners. Of course, there will have to be a simple way to remove them too.
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Don't Forget To Smile
I like to think that I have learned a lot of things from living my life. It seems my years have been filled with a whole lot of good things with a few really hard things in between. I have had the privilege of knowing a lot of really great people and I've enjoyed countless memories with each of them. I have been happily married for quite a few years and I've been blessed with several children. I feel pretty good today, but not every day seems to go this well. Some days life is hard, the people I love the most are annoying, and all I want to do is hide myself in a closet and cry. It is on those days that I remember the advice that my mother often gave me growing up. When I was having a bad day she would say, 'Honey, whatever happens today, don't forget to smile. Nothing is as bad as it seems.'
I've found that piece of advice helpful on countless occasions as I've grown. I remember in elementary school feeling like my life had ended because my pet turtle died. I was over his death just a few hours later when my best friend invited me over for a sleepover. Our time was full of smiles and laughter. Or in high school I remember feeling like life couldn't get much worse when I didn't get asked to the prom by the guy I really wanted to go with. My mom reminded me to smile and assured me that my life would turn out just fine.
The older I've gotten the more I've learned to face every day in life with a smile. Good days and bad days alike I try to face knowing that for the most part, life tends to work itself out and return to normal after a little while.
I think the biggest thing that has taught me to live each day with a smile on my face is having children. My kids have helped to renew the sense of wonder and passion that I used to live with. They have helped me to rediscover the possibilities in new challenges and they have helped me to seize moments. They are constantly doing funny things that keeping me laughing and that keep a smile on my face regardless of the stresses of my day.
Think about your life. Do you have reason to smile today? Can you find positive things to focus on regardless of the hard things that might be happening? I hope so. I truly hope that you are able to learn that whatever happens in life, living with a smile is a great thing.
I've found that piece of advice helpful on countless occasions as I've grown. I remember in elementary school feeling like my life had ended because my pet turtle died. I was over his death just a few hours later when my best friend invited me over for a sleepover. Our time was full of smiles and laughter. Or in high school I remember feeling like life couldn't get much worse when I didn't get asked to the prom by the guy I really wanted to go with. My mom reminded me to smile and assured me that my life would turn out just fine.
The older I've gotten the more I've learned to face every day in life with a smile. Good days and bad days alike I try to face knowing that for the most part, life tends to work itself out and return to normal after a little while.
I think the biggest thing that has taught me to live each day with a smile on my face is having children. My kids have helped to renew the sense of wonder and passion that I used to live with. They have helped me to rediscover the possibilities in new challenges and they have helped me to seize moments. They are constantly doing funny things that keeping me laughing and that keep a smile on my face regardless of the stresses of my day.
Think about your life. Do you have reason to smile today? Can you find positive things to focus on regardless of the hard things that might be happening? I hope so. I truly hope that you are able to learn that whatever happens in life, living with a smile is a great thing.
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Profiting From Online Social Networking
This is the second in a series of articles we will be publishing relaying thoughts and ideas from the Internet Retailer Conference in Chicago, which occurred June 5th through June 7th. Peter Kosciewicz, Director of E-Commerce for the Eastwood Company, and Chris Saito, Senior Director, Shopping Products for Yahoo! Shopping, delivered a presentation entitled "Social Networking: The Peer Pursuasion Marketing Tool."
According to Kosciewicz, the Web today has grown into an "architecture of participation" that facilitates social networking through devices such as blogs, wikis, RSS, podcasts, and more. Forrester Research has published studies that show that traditional marketing is continuing to lose credibility. For example, in 2002, 78% of respondents in a survey said that ads are a good way to learn about a new product. In 2004, that number had dropped to 46%. In 2002, 14% of respondents agrees that companies generally tell the trust. As pathetic as 14% is, in 2004, it had declined even further - down to 7%. Social networking as a means of marketing overcomes this lack of consumer trust because it relies on the word of the consumer rather than the word of the producer. Research from Datamonitor reported that 85% of repondents in a survey indicated that word-of-mouth from friends, family, or colleagues is more trustworthy than corporate-generated content.
So how do you take advantage of social networking to sell more product? Simple - you open yourself up. You plant the seeds of a community to grow up around your site by using devices such as blogs, customer reviews, and forums to give a voice to your customers or prospective customers. The caveat is that you must be high quality. You must have high quality service and a high quality product. If not, avoid this marketing method.
Kosciewicz outlined four important rules for using social networking on your web site:
1. Guide but don't control.
2. Never censor.
3. Don't be afraid of the negative.
4. Don't be paranoid.
If you open up a forum on your site but then restrict what people are allowed to say, such as removing posts that are negative toward your company or that mention your competitors, then you will do more damage than good to your reputation. Use negativity as a way to improve your business. If people are negative, look at that as feedback and act on it. Make changes, and then let your community know about it. Don't worry about your community talking about your competition. Your attitude has to be that you are the best, so why worry about it?
As a community develops around your web site, certain members will establish themselves as more influential than others. They will be more outspoken, and will be the ones who often respond to others. Cultivate these members, because they can be powerful allies. Once you have identified the more influential members of your community, contact them regularly, give them free product, become their friend. Feed your influencers information, and they will distribute it for you. But do not make it appear that you are only interested in them because they can help you sell stuff. You need to be genuine.
Measuring the impact of social networking is difficult. Unlike other forms of marketing, there is no direct connect between social networking activity and sells. What you will want to do is track traffic to pages such as customer reviews, referral links, etc.
Social networking can be a powerful marketing tool, if you have a high quality product and are not afraid of an open dialogue with your customers.
If you would like help implementing a social networking strategy for your web site, call Work Media at 1-888-299-4837 or email
According to Kosciewicz, the Web today has grown into an "architecture of participation" that facilitates social networking through devices such as blogs, wikis, RSS, podcasts, and more. Forrester Research has published studies that show that traditional marketing is continuing to lose credibility. For example, in 2002, 78% of respondents in a survey said that ads are a good way to learn about a new product. In 2004, that number had dropped to 46%. In 2002, 14% of respondents agrees that companies generally tell the trust. As pathetic as 14% is, in 2004, it had declined even further - down to 7%. Social networking as a means of marketing overcomes this lack of consumer trust because it relies on the word of the consumer rather than the word of the producer. Research from Datamonitor reported that 85% of repondents in a survey indicated that word-of-mouth from friends, family, or colleagues is more trustworthy than corporate-generated content.
So how do you take advantage of social networking to sell more product? Simple - you open yourself up. You plant the seeds of a community to grow up around your site by using devices such as blogs, customer reviews, and forums to give a voice to your customers or prospective customers. The caveat is that you must be high quality. You must have high quality service and a high quality product. If not, avoid this marketing method.
Kosciewicz outlined four important rules for using social networking on your web site:
1. Guide but don't control.
2. Never censor.
3. Don't be afraid of the negative.
4. Don't be paranoid.
If you open up a forum on your site but then restrict what people are allowed to say, such as removing posts that are negative toward your company or that mention your competitors, then you will do more damage than good to your reputation. Use negativity as a way to improve your business. If people are negative, look at that as feedback and act on it. Make changes, and then let your community know about it. Don't worry about your community talking about your competition. Your attitude has to be that you are the best, so why worry about it?
As a community develops around your web site, certain members will establish themselves as more influential than others. They will be more outspoken, and will be the ones who often respond to others. Cultivate these members, because they can be powerful allies. Once you have identified the more influential members of your community, contact them regularly, give them free product, become their friend. Feed your influencers information, and they will distribute it for you. But do not make it appear that you are only interested in them because they can help you sell stuff. You need to be genuine.
Measuring the impact of social networking is difficult. Unlike other forms of marketing, there is no direct connect between social networking activity and sells. What you will want to do is track traffic to pages such as customer reviews, referral links, etc.
Social networking can be a powerful marketing tool, if you have a high quality product and are not afraid of an open dialogue with your customers.
If you would like help implementing a social networking strategy for your web site, call Work Media at 1-888-299-4837 or email
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Hustle While You Wait
Everything comes to those who hustle while they wait -Thomas Edison
Thomas A. Edison was one of the most prolific inventors of all time. His inventions continue to shape our daily lives decades after his death in 1931. He fundamentally changed our lives by giving us indoor lighting, records, movies, batteries, and hundreds of other objects we have come to believe we can't live without. He patented over 1,000 objects during his life. His advice to "hustle" while you wait gives us some insight into how he became a legend.
Many people who dream of changing their lives are in a "waiting" time in their lives. For financial or personal reasons they are not yet able to leave their current jobs, move to their preferred geographical area, or start that business they dream of. During these waiting times you can do much to lay the foundation for your dreams. Here are some ideas that can get you started as you begin to move towards a life you compose rather than one you fell into:
*Research your dream job or business. Learn all that you can about it. You can easily become an expert about any topic in 3-6 months. Read, search the web, interview people who already work in the field, and do all that you can to learn about the history, trends and topics that are important in your field. When the time comes to move forward, you will have a solid knowledge base.
*Develop your network. Meet others who are in your chosen field. Nothing leads to success faster than having a solid support network in place. Don't fear competition, just meet as many people as you can in that field. This networking will help you understand what it takes to succeed and give you the support you need to make those first steps. Nothing increases learning faster than having a mentor who can show you the way. You will increase your confidence and your learning pace, and you may even get "lucky" and find a job or your first client.
*Lay the groundwork. Write your business plan. Draft a press release. Outline your book. Learn how to design web pages. Any progress is movement forward and that momentum can help propel you towards the life of your dreams. As you develop skills and create the platform for your new life, new ideas and opportunities will come your way.
No matter where you are in developing the life of your dreams, you can "hustle" while you wait. Even if you have no idea what you want yet, you can create a foundation that will support your new life. No effort is wasted. The skills and knowledge you gain will fit into your new life in some way.
As I searched for my dream and mission I researched dozens of topics. I am consistently amazed at how many of those "dead ends" have helped me to develop my current business. Learning how to edit, write copy, design web pages, research, and even cook have all helped me to build a stronger foundation for my roles as a life coach and infertility coach. Don't wait for the perfect time to arrive, begin today to move forward and the universe will meet you with more opportunities than you can now imagine.
Thomas A. Edison was one of the most prolific inventors of all time. His inventions continue to shape our daily lives decades after his death in 1931. He fundamentally changed our lives by giving us indoor lighting, records, movies, batteries, and hundreds of other objects we have come to believe we can't live without. He patented over 1,000 objects during his life. His advice to "hustle" while you wait gives us some insight into how he became a legend.
Many people who dream of changing their lives are in a "waiting" time in their lives. For financial or personal reasons they are not yet able to leave their current jobs, move to their preferred geographical area, or start that business they dream of. During these waiting times you can do much to lay the foundation for your dreams. Here are some ideas that can get you started as you begin to move towards a life you compose rather than one you fell into:
*Research your dream job or business. Learn all that you can about it. You can easily become an expert about any topic in 3-6 months. Read, search the web, interview people who already work in the field, and do all that you can to learn about the history, trends and topics that are important in your field. When the time comes to move forward, you will have a solid knowledge base.
*Develop your network. Meet others who are in your chosen field. Nothing leads to success faster than having a solid support network in place. Don't fear competition, just meet as many people as you can in that field. This networking will help you understand what it takes to succeed and give you the support you need to make those first steps. Nothing increases learning faster than having a mentor who can show you the way. You will increase your confidence and your learning pace, and you may even get "lucky" and find a job or your first client.
*Lay the groundwork. Write your business plan. Draft a press release. Outline your book. Learn how to design web pages. Any progress is movement forward and that momentum can help propel you towards the life of your dreams. As you develop skills and create the platform for your new life, new ideas and opportunities will come your way.
No matter where you are in developing the life of your dreams, you can "hustle" while you wait. Even if you have no idea what you want yet, you can create a foundation that will support your new life. No effort is wasted. The skills and knowledge you gain will fit into your new life in some way.
As I searched for my dream and mission I researched dozens of topics. I am consistently amazed at how many of those "dead ends" have helped me to develop my current business. Learning how to edit, write copy, design web pages, research, and even cook have all helped me to build a stronger foundation for my roles as a life coach and infertility coach. Don't wait for the perfect time to arrive, begin today to move forward and the universe will meet you with more opportunities than you can now imagine.
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goal setting
Jumat, 08 April 2011
Do Your Self-Realizations Quickly Fade?
As we grow, we do so in fits and starts, lurching forward then back, sometimes looking more like clowns than seekers.
Winston Churchill wrote: "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on as though nothing has happened."
We humans, in searching for success and happiness, have several great loves. One is the love of discovering new things. New places... new people... new ideas... they fascinate us.
We also love finding new ways to solve problems. If we've been suffering the indignities and inconveniences of a long-standing problem, we have an unquenchable urge to find what's causing the discomfort and fix it.
Unfortunately, an equally strong drive within our psyche is the compulsion to keep things from changing.
We love variety and change, but we also love predictability. When things start shifting in our world, we get uncomfortable; uncertain; unsure what to do next.
So with our left foot we strike out to seek change, while at the same time our right foot drags along behind us, trying with all its might to remain planted in one spot.
Often, as Churchill points out, we unquestioningly follow that urge to maintain status quo. Why? Well, it's the same reason we continue to do anything automatically -- habit.
Then how do we break the grip of habit? How do we escape the gravity well of inertia?
It's the same way we change any habit.
First step: become acutely aware of what we're doing. No habit can operate properly when we draw back the curtains of inattention.
Have you had a realization about yourself or the way you live your life? Maybe you don't want to let it drift away and become lost to you, the same way countless realizations have done before.
Then make a big production of it. Fasten your attention on it. Roll it around in your mind, play with it and explore the implications.
Don't let old habits rob you of the treasure you've found.
And that's exactly how you can stop yourself from stumbling over a truth and then continuing on as though it never happened.
Winston Churchill wrote: "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on as though nothing has happened."
We humans, in searching for success and happiness, have several great loves. One is the love of discovering new things. New places... new people... new ideas... they fascinate us.
We also love finding new ways to solve problems. If we've been suffering the indignities and inconveniences of a long-standing problem, we have an unquenchable urge to find what's causing the discomfort and fix it.
Unfortunately, an equally strong drive within our psyche is the compulsion to keep things from changing.
We love variety and change, but we also love predictability. When things start shifting in our world, we get uncomfortable; uncertain; unsure what to do next.
So with our left foot we strike out to seek change, while at the same time our right foot drags along behind us, trying with all its might to remain planted in one spot.
Often, as Churchill points out, we unquestioningly follow that urge to maintain status quo. Why? Well, it's the same reason we continue to do anything automatically -- habit.
Then how do we break the grip of habit? How do we escape the gravity well of inertia?
It's the same way we change any habit.
First step: become acutely aware of what we're doing. No habit can operate properly when we draw back the curtains of inattention.
Have you had a realization about yourself or the way you live your life? Maybe you don't want to let it drift away and become lost to you, the same way countless realizations have done before.
Then make a big production of it. Fasten your attention on it. Roll it around in your mind, play with it and explore the implications.
Don't let old habits rob you of the treasure you've found.
And that's exactly how you can stop yourself from stumbling over a truth and then continuing on as though it never happened.
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How To Remember Things
What's the biggest problem with memory tricks? Remembering to use them, of course. There are many memory techniques that work well, but you'll forget them when you need them most - unless you make using them a habit. So when you take the time to learn a technique, use it until it becomes automatic. Here are some to try.
Using a Story-List
I went to a party as a child. There was a game that involved looking at a table covered in 15 various items. After a few minutes, we were taken to another room, and each child was given paper and a pencil. We had to write down as many items as we could remember. I recalled seven or eight, but one boy won the prize by remembering all 15 items.
Years later I learned why he won. His father taught him a simple trick that none of us other kids knew. The technique is to tie the items together in an imaginative story. For example, what if you want to remember a list of the following things: Soap, milk, honey, fork, and flowers.
Start a vivid story in your imagination, adding each item to it as you go: At the sink, you reach for the SOAP. The soap dish is full of MILK, so you wash your hands in that. Then you comb HONEY into your hair with a FORK, and finally pick up a bouquet of FLOWERS and smile at the mirror. Say each item while mentally reviewing your "movie," and you'll remember all five things, even the next day.
Some Other Memory Tricks
Tell yourself to remember. When you learn a person's name, for example, tell yourself, "remember that". This signals your unconscious mind to rank this input as more important.
Know WHY you want to remember something, and HOW you'll remember it. To remember a person, for example, ask why they'll be important to you in the future, imagine where you'll see them next, and connect that to anything you notice about them. Seeing the importance of remembering really helps, and additional associations (where you expect to see the person next) set the memory more firmly in your brain.
Do you ever forget where you put your car keys? You've probably tried retracing your steps, at least doing it in your imagination. This can work well, but even better is to prevent the forgetting beforehand. When you set the keys on the chair, see yourself walking in and setting the keys on the chair. You won't forget where they are.
There are many more of these memory tricks. If you want them to be useful, though, don't just read about them. Make a memory technique or two into a habit, starting today.
Using a Story-List
I went to a party as a child. There was a game that involved looking at a table covered in 15 various items. After a few minutes, we were taken to another room, and each child was given paper and a pencil. We had to write down as many items as we could remember. I recalled seven or eight, but one boy won the prize by remembering all 15 items.
Years later I learned why he won. His father taught him a simple trick that none of us other kids knew. The technique is to tie the items together in an imaginative story. For example, what if you want to remember a list of the following things: Soap, milk, honey, fork, and flowers.
Start a vivid story in your imagination, adding each item to it as you go: At the sink, you reach for the SOAP. The soap dish is full of MILK, so you wash your hands in that. Then you comb HONEY into your hair with a FORK, and finally pick up a bouquet of FLOWERS and smile at the mirror. Say each item while mentally reviewing your "movie," and you'll remember all five things, even the next day.
Some Other Memory Tricks
Tell yourself to remember. When you learn a person's name, for example, tell yourself, "remember that". This signals your unconscious mind to rank this input as more important.
Know WHY you want to remember something, and HOW you'll remember it. To remember a person, for example, ask why they'll be important to you in the future, imagine where you'll see them next, and connect that to anything you notice about them. Seeing the importance of remembering really helps, and additional associations (where you expect to see the person next) set the memory more firmly in your brain.
Do you ever forget where you put your car keys? You've probably tried retracing your steps, at least doing it in your imagination. This can work well, but even better is to prevent the forgetting beforehand. When you set the keys on the chair, see yourself walking in and setting the keys on the chair. You won't forget where they are.
There are many more of these memory tricks. If you want them to be useful, though, don't just read about them. Make a memory technique or two into a habit, starting today.
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Nothing ever stays the same.
Nothing ever stays the same. On the one hand we despise change yet on the other we don't want to stagnate and become boring. Yet our habits keep us locked into a course of action day after day, year after year. The way we think, the way we behave, the way we experience things, the way we react to incidents, all are dominated by our habits. They are so strong that most of do not even know what they are. Whatever our habits are they keep us fixed in a particular perspective or behaviour. They stop us reaching our potential.
Our habits are basically involuntary acts we perform unintentionally and without thinking. We just are them. Yes. We are our habits. Whether, you lack confidence, find it difficult to make decisions, always arrive late for an appointment, can't say no …, feel lonely, feel stupid, think others always know best…… these are all habits. That's the bad news.
The good news is that you can change. Change is based on choice. Once you realise what your habits are, you have more chance of changing them. It may not be easy. It may be painful, sometimes. But it is also fun and rewarding because you are changing your life. You are opening yourself to see the possibilities of your potential. What you are capable of.
History shows us that there are four key ingredients to successfully change habits:
Reflection, Realisation, Resolve and Sustained Effort.
In other words all you have to do is imagine you are the gardener of your life:
Reflect on the state of your garden.
Realise what are weeds and what are flowers.
Remove the weeds
Replace the weeds with flowers and make a sustained effort to keep the garden clear of weeds you don't want.
So. What is the largest weed in your garden? Which habit causes you most pain?
What is keeping this weed in place? What stops you from pulling it out?
Look at all the obstacles and think of the best method for eradicating the weed. Remember some weeds do not come out at first pull. They leave a little root behind. Some are better killed off with weed killer rather than a tortuous pull. Look for the best method for your weed.
Now, what flower would you like to plant in its place? What behaviour would you like to put in instead of the habit? You will need something because all of us that have changed habits are aware of the need for a transitory behaviour. A good example is giving up smoking. The transitory behaviour is either: something to do with your hands, instead of holding a cigarette; gum to chew when you would light a cigarette or a sweet to pop into your mouthy when you feel like a cigarette.
So what flower would you like to put in place of your weed?
The next phase is the key to success.
For all gardeners the next phase is the most easy and yet the most difficult. Make a sustained effort to keep the weed out of your garden. This is the key. It is so easy to say I've done it and walk away. Sustained effort can also be called zeal and enthusiasm. Be passionate about clearing your weed. Tell others what you are doing. Avoid incidents that would automatically set the weed off. Keep looking at your new flower. Have zeal and enthusiasm for your new flower. Keep focussed on the flower. Make a sustained effort to keep the new flower watered and the area around it free from weeds. Nourish it. Fertilise it. Talk to it. Gradually the new flower will blossom and the old weed disappear.
Remember: Nothing ever stays the same.
Good Luck
Graham and Julie
Our habits are basically involuntary acts we perform unintentionally and without thinking. We just are them. Yes. We are our habits. Whether, you lack confidence, find it difficult to make decisions, always arrive late for an appointment, can't say no …, feel lonely, feel stupid, think others always know best…… these are all habits. That's the bad news.
The good news is that you can change. Change is based on choice. Once you realise what your habits are, you have more chance of changing them. It may not be easy. It may be painful, sometimes. But it is also fun and rewarding because you are changing your life. You are opening yourself to see the possibilities of your potential. What you are capable of.
History shows us that there are four key ingredients to successfully change habits:
Reflection, Realisation, Resolve and Sustained Effort.
In other words all you have to do is imagine you are the gardener of your life:
Reflect on the state of your garden.
Realise what are weeds and what are flowers.
Remove the weeds
Replace the weeds with flowers and make a sustained effort to keep the garden clear of weeds you don't want.
So. What is the largest weed in your garden? Which habit causes you most pain?
What is keeping this weed in place? What stops you from pulling it out?
Look at all the obstacles and think of the best method for eradicating the weed. Remember some weeds do not come out at first pull. They leave a little root behind. Some are better killed off with weed killer rather than a tortuous pull. Look for the best method for your weed.
Now, what flower would you like to plant in its place? What behaviour would you like to put in instead of the habit? You will need something because all of us that have changed habits are aware of the need for a transitory behaviour. A good example is giving up smoking. The transitory behaviour is either: something to do with your hands, instead of holding a cigarette; gum to chew when you would light a cigarette or a sweet to pop into your mouthy when you feel like a cigarette.
So what flower would you like to put in place of your weed?
The next phase is the key to success.
For all gardeners the next phase is the most easy and yet the most difficult. Make a sustained effort to keep the weed out of your garden. This is the key. It is so easy to say I've done it and walk away. Sustained effort can also be called zeal and enthusiasm. Be passionate about clearing your weed. Tell others what you are doing. Avoid incidents that would automatically set the weed off. Keep looking at your new flower. Have zeal and enthusiasm for your new flower. Keep focussed on the flower. Make a sustained effort to keep the new flower watered and the area around it free from weeds. Nourish it. Fertilise it. Talk to it. Gradually the new flower will blossom and the old weed disappear.
Remember: Nothing ever stays the same.
Good Luck
Graham and Julie
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